Kevin Ward's YES Talk | Real Estate Coaching and Success Training for Agents

It was a FSBO in Hurst, Texas in 1998.

Everything went well...I got the appointment, did great on the listing presentation.

And then, the bad news…

After thinking about it and doing research, they chose Linda Peterson, the #1 agent in our office!
I was upset and felt betrayed. I did all the work but someone else got the listing.

I was crushed, but I got back up.

Here’s how I handled it:

  1. I got over it and got back in the game. If you want to succeed in real estate, you have to be able to take a punch and get back up. Champions are not the ones who never get knocked down. They’re the ones who refuse to stay down.

  2. I realized that having a track record helps. Like Linda, she got success because she had success. We all start with a zero track record. Build your track record by going out and making it happen. Make mistakes, face failures and get back up.

  3. It fired me up and made me determined to get better and never get beat like that again.

When you lose a listing, you can either get beat down or fired up. Decide to win and become the best, so you can always expect YES.

I’d love to hear about your experience in losing your first listing to another agent. Post it in the comments below.

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Go to For more killer training videos for REALTORS who want more Yes's and more Successes in their business and in their life! From Kevin Ward, international real estate trainer, speaker, and coach.

Direct download: YesTalk-170_-_The_First_Listing_I_Lost_to_Another_Agent.mp3
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