Thu, 27 December 2018
There are 5 indicators to watch: 1. Inventory Increasing 2. Days on market increasing. 3. Months of Supply Increasing 4. Number of multiple offers and full price sales decreasing. 5. Number of expired listings increasing. If this episode helps you, please LIKE, COMMENT & SHARE. Hit SUBSCRIBE to get notices of new episode! Go to For more killer training videos for REALTORS who want more Yes's and more Successes in their business and in their life! From Kevin Ward, international real estate trainer, speaker, and coach.
Direct download: YESTalk-124_-_How_to_Tell_if_Your_Market_is_Turning.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:19pm PST |
Wed, 19 December 2018
1st watch "Your First 30 Days..."
If this episode helps you, please LIKE, COMMENT & SHARE. Hit SUBSCRIBE to get notices of new episode! Go to For more killer training videos for REALTORS who want more Yes's and more Successes in their business and in their life! From Kevin Ward, international real estate trainer, speaker, and coach.
Direct download: YESTalk-123_-_How_to_Get_Your_First_Deal_Fast_as_A_New_Agent.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:35pm PST |
Wed, 5 December 2018
1. Commit to be the BEST. 2. Train like your life depended on it. 3. Believe you can do this. Napoleon Hill said, "Your only limitation is the one which you set up in your own mind." You CAN succeed mightily...even as a rookie. If this episode helps you, please LIKE, COMMENT & SHARE. Hit SUBSCRIBE to get notices of new episode! Go to For more killer training videos for REALTORS who want more Yes's and more Successes in their business and in their life! From Kevin Ward, international real estate trainer, speaker, and coach.
Direct download: YESTalk-122_-_Your_First_30_Days_as_A_Real_Estate_Agent.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:41pm PST |
Wed, 28 November 2018
The "secret" to handling objections is to understand the difference Between an Objection and a Complaint and a Condition. 1. An objection is a question that you need to answer. 2. An complaint is simply an expression of emotion about something they don't like. 3. An condition is a situation you can do nothing about.
If this episode helps you, please LIKE, COMMENT & SHARE. Hit SUBSCRIBE to get notices of new episode! Go to For more killer training videos for REALTORS who want more Yes's and more Successes in their business and in their life! From Kevin Ward, international real estate trainer, speaker, and coach.
Direct download: YESTalk-121_-_The_Secrets_to_Handling_Objections_Successfully.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:33pm PST |
Tue, 20 November 2018
Price is the most important thing to get a listing sold. Here's how to get the listing priced right every time: 1. "What the market is saying" is the only authority. 2. Absolute Certainty. 3. Buyers have to love the house AND the price, or they offer low or not at all. If this episode helps you, please LIKE, COMMENT & SHARE. Hit SUBSCRIBE to get notices of new episode! Go to For more killer training videos for REALTORS who want more Yes's and more Successes in their business and in their life! From Kevin Ward, international real estate trainer, speaker, and coach.
Direct download: YESTalk-120_-_3_Keys_to_Getting_Listings_Priced_Right.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:38am PST |
Wed, 14 November 2018
The three steps to overcoming the fear of asking for business are: 1. Action. Face the fear and break through it with massive action. 2. Belief. Have the belief: "They need me." 3. Competence. When you're great at what you do, it creates a sense of responsibility and confidence that "...if you don't hire're making a huge mistake." Competence breeds confidence. If this episode helps you, please LIKE, COMMENT & SHARE. Hit SUBSCRIBE to get notices of new episode! Go to For more killer training videos for REALTORS who want more Yes's and more Successes in their business and in their life! From Kevin Ward, international real estate trainer, speaker, and coach.
Direct download: YESTalk-119_-_How_to_Get_Over_the_Fear_of_Asking_for_Business.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:29pm PST |
Tue, 6 November 2018
Three types of prospects: 1. DIE HARDS. (STUCK to their current person or plan) 2. CROCK-POT PROSPECTS. (LOOKING FOR RESULTS.) 3. S.O.S. PROSPECTS (LOOKING FOR HELP) If this episode helps you, please LIKE, COMMENT & SHARE. Hit SUBSCRIBE to get notices of new episode! Go to For more killer training videos for REALTORS who want more Yes's and more Successes in their business and in their life! From Kevin Ward, international real estate trainer, speaker, and coach.
Direct download: YESTalk-118_-_3_Types_of_Prospects_And_How_to_Convert_Them.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:04am PST |
Wed, 24 October 2018
5 STEPS TO JUMP OUT OF A SLUMP: 1. OWN IT. Accept responsibility for where you are, because only then will you take responsibility for breaking out of your slump. 2. CAUSE? Figure out what caused it. Look for causes, not excuses. (A failure, fear, bad experience?) 3. HOW LONG? Figure out how long it has been going on. When did it start? How long have you realized you were in a slump? Slumps happen. Acknowledge that you’re in one…you’ve been in it for a while….and then…. 4. END DATE. Decide when you want to stop it. Set a date when you are going to end the slump. Change can happen in an instant….the moment you absolutely decide what you are committed to achieving. 5. ACT AS IF... Take the actions that you would take if you were on top of your game. If this episode helps you, please LIKE, COMMENT & SHARE. Hit SUBSCRIBE to get notices of new episode! Go to For more killer training videos for REALTORS who want more Yes's and more Successes in their business and in their life! From Kevin Ward, international real estate trainer, speaker, and coach.
Direct download: YESTalk-117_-_In_A_Funk_How_to_Break_Out_of_A_Slamp.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:53pm PST |
Mon, 22 October 2018
"Interviews with The Best," our new monthly series for the YESTalk for Realtors Podcast. Every month we'll be bringing you another interview with an agent or real estate professional who is one of the BIW (Best-In-World) at what they do. They are professionals who are simply sharing what they are doing and what's working for them in order to help you. Our inaugural interview is with Erin and Russ Downs from Jersey City, New Jersey who created a significant 6-figure income in their first year of real estate and have continued to sky-rocket their business. If this episode helps you, please LIKE, COMMENT & SHARE. Hit SUBSCRIBE to get notices of new episode! Go to For more killer training videos for REALTORS who want more Yes's and more Successes in their business and in their life! From Kevin Ward, international real estate trainer, speaker, and coach.
Direct download: YESTalk-116_-_How_To_Grow_Your_Business_Fast_-_Erin__Russ_Downs_-_Interviews_with_The_Best.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:44am PST |
Thu, 18 October 2018
This episode is my response to a new agent's questions about scripts and FSBO's after his first day of prospecting. SHORT ANSWER: If this episode helps you, please LIKE, COMMENT & SHARE. Hit SUBSCRIBE to get notices of new episode! Go to For more killer training videos for REALTORS who want more Yes's and more Successes in their business and in their life! From Kevin Ward, international real estate trainer, speaker, and coach.
Direct download: YESTalk-115_-_What_If_Scripts_Dont_Work_For_Me.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00pm PST |
Wed, 10 October 2018
QUESTION from a new agent: Would you recommend that I take this first week or so to learn the scripts and work through the different modules, or jump right in to prospecting and lead generation? PRINCIPLES OF CONVERSATION TRAINING: TRAINING FAST START: If this episode helps you, please LIKE, COMMENT & SHARE. Hit SUBSCRIBE to get notices of new episode! Go to For more killer training videos for REALTORS who want more Yes's and more Successes in their business and in their life! From Kevin Ward, international real estate trainer, speaker, and coach.
Direct download: YESTalk-114_-_How_Long_Should_I_Practice_Scripts_Before_I_Start_Prospecting.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:58pm PST |
Thu, 4 October 2018
Frank Morris (coaching member) It helps. The earlier the better. Paul Tosello..was the early bird. #1 They will remember you. If this episode helps you, please LIKE, COMMENT & SHARE. Hit SUBSCRIBE to get notices of new episode! Go to For more killer training videos for REALTORS who want more Yes's and more Successes in their business and in their life! From Kevin Ward, international real estate trainer, speaker, and coach.
Direct download: YESTalk-113_-_Prospecting_Expireds_Does_the_Early_Bird_Get_the_Listing.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:30pm PST |
Thu, 27 September 2018
1. There is no single right answer. 2. Look at all scenarios. i. Market may go up, down, or hold for 6 months to 2 years. 3. Is #1 priority lifestyle or the numbers. 4. Pick option that is the best “Happy no matter what” for you. If this episode helps you, please LIKE, COMMENT & SHARE. Hit SUBSCRIBE to get notices of new episode! Go to For more killer training videos for REALTORS who want more Yes's and more Successes in their business and in their life! From Kevin Ward, international real estate trainer, speaker, and coach.
Direct download: YESTalk-112_-_Market_Turning_Should_I_Buy_Sell_or_Hold.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:28am PST |
Thu, 20 September 2018
This is the Long-game of networking for Lead generation. How to pick the right group: 1. Not realtor-saturated. Samples groups: Foundations, Volunteer orgs., clubs, chambers, toastmasters, networking groups. Use to find the right group. THE KEY: Focus on adding value. Be a giver, not a taker. If this episode helps you, please LIKE, COMMENT & SHARE. Hit SUBSCRIBE to get notices of new episode! Go to For more killer training videos for REALTORS who want more Yes's and more Successes in their business and in their life! From Kevin Ward, international real estate trainer, speaker, and coach.
Direct download: YESTalk-111_-_Power_Networking_Groups_for_Real_Estate_Agents.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:09am PST |
Wed, 12 September 2018
5 Steps to get great results from networking. 1. Set your intention. 2. Connecting, not Collecting. Quality vs quantity. 3. The Day After - Video. 4. Add value. Ask not what your contact can do for you... 5. Put them in your PC system immediately. If this episode helps you, please LIKE, COMMENT & SHARE. Hit SUBSCRIBE to get notices of new episode! Go to For more killer training videos for REALTORS who want more Yes's and more Successes in their business and in their life! From Kevin Ward, international real estate trainer, speaker, and coach.
Direct download: YESTalk-110_-_Power_Networking_at_Events_for_Real_Estate_Agents.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:11pm PST |
Wed, 5 September 2018
1. Clock in and Clock out with Daily Schedule. No emails/texts/etc 2+ hours before bed or 2 hours after waking up. 2. Delegate. 3. Take Time Off. 4. Ask yourself, "Am I having fun?" (If are at risk.) 5. Attend 4-6 Training/Self-Improvement Events per year. If this episode helps you, please LIKE, COMMENT & SHARE. Hit SUBSCRIBE to get notices of new episode! Go to For more killer training videos for REALTORS who want more Yes's and more Successes in their business and in their life! From Kevin Ward, international real estate trainer, speaker, and coach.
Direct download: YESTalk-109_-_How_to_Avoid_Burnout_As_a_Real_Estate_Agent.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:16pm PST |
Wed, 29 August 2018
MY RULES FOR A HAPPY WIFE, HAPPY LIFE Rules for a Happy Wife: If this episode helps you, please LIKE, COMMENT & SHARE. Hit SUBSCRIBE to get notices of new episode! Go to For more killer training videos for REALTORS who want more Yes's and more Successes in their business and in their life! From Kevin Ward, international real estate trainer, speaker, and coach.
Direct download: YESTalk-108_-_This_Husbands_Rules_For_How_To_Have_a_Happy_Marriage.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:31pm PST |
Wed, 22 August 2018
Here are the 5 steps to prepare for any real estate market downturn or crash: 1. Stay lean. 2. Get training (#1 Investment) 3. Make money. 4. Stash cash. 5. Prepare to get wealthy. If this episode helps you, please LIKE, COMMENT & SHARE. Hit SUBSCRIBE to get notices of new episode! Go to For more killer training videos for REALTORS who want more Yes's and more Successes in their business and in their life! From Kevin Ward, international real estate trainer, speaker, and coach.
Direct download: YESTalk-107_-_How_to_Prepare_For_a_Housing_Market_Crash.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:20pm PST |
Thu, 16 August 2018
Doorknocking "No Soliciting" neighborhoods can be complicated. Here are four alternative strategies: 1. Direct mail with a compelling Offer on your website (this is stuff I train in depth in the Real Estate Vortex). 2. If you have a listing, hold Open House Events with "Neighbors Only Preview" for the first hour and invite with direct mail. 3. If you live there, walk your dog and have a Block Party a couple of times a year. 4. Attend HOA meetings and be positive and helpful, not salesy. If this episode helps you, please LIKE, COMMENT & SHARE. Hit SUBSCRIBE to get notices of new episode! Go to For more killer training videos for REALTORS who want more Yes's and more Successes in their business and in their life! From Kevin Ward, international real estate trainer, speaker, and coach.
Direct download: YESTalk-106_-_How_to_Prospect_Gated_No_Soliciting_Allowed_Communities.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:42am PST |
Thu, 9 August 2018
In 7th Grade football I learned one of the most powerful lessons about life from Coach Burge: Always have your helmet when the coach calls your name, you're ready to play. EXPECTATION. Expectation shows up as preparation. Surprised how many agents aren't ready to take a listing. Prospecting every day. Pounding phones and pavement. "I have an appointment...what's next?" 1. Pre-Listing Process & Packet. (Pre-Qualify, Action plan. CMA. Net Sheet.) 2. Listing Presentation Mastered. 3. Listing Docs Prepared & Know of to go over it. 4. Selling Process Ready to go. 5. Every day, suit up. "When the opportunity knocks, have your coat on." When you're ready for "YES" you can expect yes. If this episode helps you, please LIKE, COMMENT & SHARE. Hit SUBSCRIBE to get notices of new episode! Go to For more killer training videos for REALTORS who want more Yes's and more Successes in their business and in their life! From Kevin Ward, international real estate trainer, speaker, and coach.
Direct download: YESTalk-105_-_How_to_Get_More_Listing_-_Power_of_Presentation.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:11pm PST |
Fri, 3 August 2018
This week our 14-year-old beagle, Homie, lost his battle with cancer. Every dream we had was planned around Homie. I never dreamed he would not be around to enjoy my sailboat. It reminded me to have a sense of urgency about accomplishing my dreams. Here's the action steps to getting your dreams. 1. Set a date and obsess about it. 2. Create a Vision board. 3. Take deliberate action to achieve it. If this episode helps you, please LIKE, COMMENT & SHARE. Hit SUBSCRIBE to get notices of new episode! Go to For more killer training videos for REALTORS who want more Yes's and more Successes in their business and in their life! From Kevin Ward, international real estate trainer, speaker, and coach.
Direct download: YESTalk-104_-_Time_is_Running_Out_to_Achieve_Your_Goals.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:15pm PST |
Fri, 27 July 2018
Why You Need Cash Buyers: 1. They buy ugly houses that you find….and not every house is a showpiece. 2. They can close in 1 to 2 weeks…which is a great option for sellers who need a quick close. 3. For prospecting vacant/distressed properties (not short sales) with a note on door and letter…."I have a buyer for your property. If you are interested in selling please contact me at __” 4. As a marketing option for Listings: "Guaranteed Cash Offer on your home in 24 hours - Quick Close, Fair Price." 5. Because you can learn from them. There is a reason they have money. How to Find Cash Buyers: Introduce yourself this way: "I market to (or occasionally come across) vacant and distressed property owners that look like crap and smell like pee….So if you like those kind of houses, please find me and give me your business card." If this episode helps you, please LIKE, COMMENT & SHARE. Hit SUBSCRIBE to get notices of new episode! Go to For more killer training videos for REALTORS who want more Yes's and more Successes in their business and in their life! From Kevin Ward, international real estate trainer, speaker, and coach.
Direct download: YESTalk-103_-_How_to_Find_Cash_Buyers_and_Why_You_Need_Them.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:42pm PST |
Fri, 6 July 2018
Are you controlling the online conversation about your value, or are you leaving it to Google? Because people ARE Googling you before they meet you. 1) Google Yourself. 2) Click every link about you on Page 1 of Google. 3) Rate Yourself on a Scale of 1-10 for how good each site makes you look. 4) Figure out how to control what people learn about you online that communicates your message to prospects. If this episode helps you, please LIKE, COMMENT & SHARE. Hit SUBSCRIBE to get notices of new episode! Go to For more killer training videos for REALTORS who want more Yes's and more Successes in their business and in their life! From Kevin Ward, international real estate trainer, speaker, and coach.
Direct download: YESTalk-102_-_Google_Yourself_-_Controlling_Your_Online_Presence.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:22am PST |
Thu, 28 June 2018
What do you do when half of the couple doesn't show up for the listing appointment? RULE #1) Do Not Present to Half a Couple. RULE #2) Do Not Blame or Get Irritated for them wasting your time. RULE #3) Reschedule. RULE #4) If they insist on meeting, refer to RULE #1. If you agree to meet with just one of them, you will NOT get the listing. It is simple to solve this problem and reschedule with all decision-makers. You just have to have the courage to do it. The script for doing this and many others is in The Book of YES. If this episode helps you, please LIKE, COMMENT & SHARE. Hit SUBSCRIBE to get notices of new episode! Go to For more killer training videos for REALTORS who want more Yes's and more Successes in their business and in their life! From Kevin Ward, international real estate trainer, speaker, and coach.
Direct download: YESTalk-101_-_Seller_Objection_-_My_Wife_Spouse_Cant_Make_It.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:19am PST |
Thu, 21 June 2018
What do you do when there are no listings…. And when you need business? Use these 3 Reverse Prospecting Strategies: 1. OLD EXPIRED/CANCELLED LISTINGS - Door knock. 2. LOCAL PAPER/DIRECT MAIL: We have buyers. 3. FB TARGETED AUDIENCE by zip code to homeowners. If this episode helps you, please LIKE, COMMENT & SHARE. Hit SUBSCRIBE to get notices of new episode! Go to For more killer training videos for REALTORS who want more Yes's and more Successes in their business and in their life! From Kevin Ward, international real estate trainer, speaker, and coach.
Direct download: YESTalk-100_-_How_to_Find_Listings_in_a_Low_Inventory_Market.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:28am PST |
Thu, 14 June 2018
Job mentality is death to an agent… 9-5. Entrepreneurial mindset is what works in real estate. You own your own business…OWNERSHIP means RESPONSIBILITY and OPPORTUNITY. It’s the opportunity to determine how much time you spend and how much money you make. Here are four Entrepreneurial Characteristics: Initiative. Used to waiting for someone else to tell you what to do…won’t work. Risk. No production = no money. Grit. Vigilance. Pay attention to what’s happening…changes… If this episode helps you, please LIKE, COMMENT & SHARE. Hit SUBSCRIBE to get notices of new episode! Go to For more killer training videos for REALTORS who want more Yes's and more Successes in their business and in their life! From Kevin Ward, international real estate trainer, speaker, and coach.
Direct download: YESTalk-99_-_Why_Real_Estate_is_for_Entepreneurs_Only.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:19pm PST |
Thu, 7 June 2018
Sellers choose a list price for their home based on what they believe will get them the best sales price. The problem is they believe a higher list price will give them higher sales price, and that simply is not true. If this episode helps you, please LIKE, COMMENT & SHARE. Hit SUBSCRIBE to get notices of new episode! Go to For more killer training videos for REALTORS who want more Yes's and more Successes in their business and in their life! From Kevin Ward, international real estate trainer, speaker, and coach.
Direct download: YESTalk-98_-_How_to_Get_Sellers_to_Price_It_Right_From_The_Beginning.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:11am PST |
Mon, 4 June 2018
1. Get Connected (FaceBook Realtor Groups) 2. Get Engaged. 3. Build at A2A PC (Agent to Agent Personal Circle) Team 4. Take referrals seriously. 5. When you convert on referrals, remember to pay up. If this episode helps you, please LIKE, COMMENT & SHARE. Hit SUBSCRIBE to get notices of new episode! Go to For more killer training videos for REALTORS who want more Yes's and more Successes in their business and in their life! From Kevin Ward, international real estate trainer, speaker, and coach.
Direct download: YESTalk-97_-_How_to_Get_More_Real_Estate_Referrals.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:56am PST |
Thu, 24 May 2018
Why Buying Internet Leads Doesn’t Work, And What Does
What does work is when you have a complete PROCESS in place.
The Real Estate Vortex is the business model that gives you a complete process that will take your business from where you are today to any level you want to go. If this episode helps you, please LIKE, COMMENT & SHARE. Hit SUBSCRIBE to get notices of new episode! Go to For more killer training videos for REALTORS who want more Yes's and more Successes in their business and in their life! From Kevin Ward, international real estate trainer, speaker, and coach.
Direct download: YesTalk-96_-_Why_Buying_Internet_Leads_Doesnt_Work_and_What_Does.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:30am PST |
Mon, 14 May 2018
If this episode helps you, please LIKE, COMMENT & SHARE. Hit SUBSCRIBE to get notices of new episode! Go to For more killer training videos for REALTORS who want more Yes's and more Successes in their business and in their life! From Kevin Ward, international real estate trainer, speaker, and coach.
Direct download: YESTalk-95_-_How_to_Get_Paid_for_Real_Estate_Referrals.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:35am PST |
Thu, 3 May 2018
There are 3 ways you can learn HOW TO MASTER REAL ESTATE:
If this episode helps you, please LIKE, COMMENT & SHARE. Hit SUBSCRIBE to get notices of new episode! Go to For more killer training videos for REALTORS who want more Yes's and more Successes in their business and in their life! From Kevin Ward, international real estate trainer, speaker, and coach.
Direct download: YESTalk-94_-_How_to_Master_Real_Estate_Fast.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:42pm PST |
Thu, 26 April 2018
I had just set a listing appointment with a FSBO. I was a new agent, and the sellers told me they were also interviewing another agent from my office, Cindie Stewart. I made the mistake of telling Cindie we were both meeting with the same FSBO. Without any pause, Cindy looked right at me and said, “I’m gonna kick your ass.” And…she did. I knew I had to get better. Here are the three things I did:
Beating Cindie was not what mattered. What mattered was not beating myself. Commit to winning….to becoming unbeatable…and you will be. If this episode helps you, please LIKE, COMMENT & SHARE. Hit SUBSCRIBE to get notices of new episode! Go to For more killer training videos for REALTORS who want more Yes's and more Successes in their business and in their life! From Kevin Ward, international real estate trainer, speaker, and coach.
Direct download: YESTalk-93_-_What_Competition_Did_For_My_Business.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:04pm PST |
Fri, 20 April 2018
If you want to know the answer for, “How do I go from part-time real estate agent to full time realtor?” Here is the answer:
If this episode helps you, please LIKE, COMMENT & SHARE. Hit SUBSCRIBE to get notices of new episode! Go to For more killer training videos for REALTORS who want more Yes's and more Successes in their business and in their life! From Kevin Ward, international real estate trainer, speaker, and coach.
Direct download: YesTalk-92_-_How_to_Transition_from_Part-Time_to_Full-Time_Realtor.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:55am PST |
Thu, 12 April 2018
No. I’m not saying don’t talk to strangers. Here is why “Cold-Calling” is not a prospecting approach I recommend:
If this episode helps you, please LIKE, COMMENT & SHARE. Hit SUBSCRIBE to get notices of new episode! Go to For more killer training videos for REALTORS who want more Yes's and more Successes in their business and in their life! From Kevin Ward, international real estate trainer, speaker, and coach.
Direct download: YESTalk-91_-_Why_You_Should_Never_Cold_Call.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:53pm PST |
Thu, 5 April 2018
The first secret to beating the competition is the stop trying to beat the competition. Remember the picture of Michael Phelps going for the gold medal and the swimmer in the lane next to him looking over at him. The caption said “Winners focus on winning. Losers focus on winners. Here’s 5 steps to win over any agent your competing against: 1. Be the best at what you do. Then you become the competition. Michael Jordan. “I am the competition.” 2. Play your game. Stop trying to “beat Zillow at their game.” Stop trying to beat your competition by doing what they’re doing. Be YOU and use your strengths. 3. Forget the competition. Competition rarely matters. 70% of sellers will only interview one agent. Focus on relationships and positioning. 4. Focus on the results your clients want and the life you want. 5. Make competition a game. Have fun with it. Nothing is more empowering for you than when the competition sees you’re not bothered by them. Winners are going to win. Collaborate with them and all grow. If this episode helps you, please LIKE, COMMENT & SHARE. Hit SUBSCRIBE to get notices of new episode! Go to For more killer training videos for REALTORS who want more Yes's and more Successes in their business and in their life! From Kevin Ward, international real estate trainer, speaker, and coach.
Direct download: YESTalk-90_-_How_to_Beat_the_Competition_as_a_Realtor.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:23pm PST |
Thu, 29 March 2018
A lot of real estate ask what the 100-Day ListMaster Challenge is and what’s it all about. The Challenge is about rapidly and dramatically changing your business and your life. It is not an education program. It is a transformational journey to mastery. The transformation happens by focusing on two elements: #1) Implementation. It’s about action, not just information. #2) Acceleration. We focus on doing more in less time to accelerate the growth curve and your results. We focus on mastery in 5 key areas:
The Challenge is not for average agents or part-time agents. It is for full-time agents committed to being the best and who are willing to invest in themselves and their success to get there faster. If this episode helps you, please LIKE, COMMENT & SHARE. Hit SUBSCRIBE to get notices of new episode! Go to For more killer training videos for REALTORS who want more Yes's and more Successes in their business and in their life! From Kevin Ward, international real estate trainer, speaker, and coach.
Direct download: YESTalk-89_-_What_is_the_100-Day_ListMaster_Challenge.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:18pm PST |
Wed, 21 March 2018
The process of selling every listing is simple, but not necessarily easy. The four steps to sell every listing are:
So what is the obvious challenge? How do you get the seller to price it right? That is the greatest challenge for listing agents. The solution is leadership skill. It is your ability to lead a seller to make the right decision to help them get the best result. That is THE SKILL that makes it possible to sell every listing. You know how to sell every listing, but most agents don’t know how to lead sellers to price it right. Master that skill and you win the listing game. If you need help learning to lead sellers to better decisions, get a copy of my #1 Bestselling book: If this episode helps you, please LIKE, COMMENT & SHARE. Hit SUBSCRIBE to get notices of new episode! Go to For more killer training videos for REALTORS who want more Yes's and more Successes in their business and in their life! From Kevin Ward, international real estate trainer, speaker, and coach.
Direct download: YESTalk-88_-_How_to_Sell_Every_Listing.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:43am PST |
Fri, 9 March 2018
How likable are you? The answer to that question can largely be answered by the answer to this question: How much do you like other people? Up you like people or do you look at them with skepticism. I had a “Friend” whose 1st impression of everyone was super-critical. Will Rogers, “I never met a man I didn’t like.” He was a Native American, who identified himself as Cherokee Indian…in the 1920’s. Prejudice was rampant. He had every right to be negative and play the victim. Instead he chose to give people the benefit of the doubt. He became one of the most influential men in the world by making friends with everyone. How to make people like you is real simple:
Be positive about them. Doesn’t mean be naive or gullible. Be vigilant…and be kind at the same time. Like people and they will (mostly) like you back. If this episode helps you, please LIKE, COMMENT & SHARE. Hit SUBSCRIBE to get notices of new episode! Go to For more killer training videos for REALTORS who want more Yes's and more Successes in their business and in their life! From Kevin Ward, international real estate trainer, speaker, and coach.
Direct download: yestalk-_87-_how_to_get_people_to_like_you_-_3_9_18__4.16_pm.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:39pm PST |
Thu, 1 March 2018
Interest rates are on the rise in 2018 and every indication is that they are going to continue to rise gradually. How can real estate agents deal with mortgage interest rates being raised:
If this episode helps you, please LIKE, COMMENT & SHARE. Hit SUBSCRIBE to get notices of new episode! Go to For more killer training videos for REALTORS who want more Yes's and more Successes in their business and in their life! From Kevin Ward, international real estate trainer, speaker, and coach.
Direct download: YESTalk-_86-_How_To_Deal_With_Rising_Interest_Rates_For_Realtors_-_3_1_18_12.18_PM.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:35pm PST |
Thu, 22 February 2018
When you raise your price range and your average sales price you automatically make more money because the commissions get bigger as sales price gets higher. Here are the fives steps to successfully raise your sales price:
If this episode helps you, please LIKE, COMMENT & SHARE. Hit SUBSCRIBE to get notices of new episode! Go to For more killer training videos for REALTORS who want more Yes's and more Successes in their business and in their life! From Kevin Ward, international real estate trainer, speaker, and coach.
Direct download: YESTalk-_85-_How_To_Successfully_Raise_Your_Price_Range_-_2_22_18_9.46_AM.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:57am PST |
Thu, 15 February 2018
Great performers always warm up. In sports, theatre, music, all performing arts, leaders, and speakers, they follow a Pre-game ritual to prepare themselves to perform at their best. How do I get myself prepared to crush it? Warming up is critical to your ability to perform as a real estate agent. Here are the three key steps to warm up:
These three steps get your mind, Emotions, and Body engaged and ready to rock your prospecting. If this episode helps you, please LIKE, COMMENT & SHARE. Hit SUBSCRIBE to get notices of new episode! Go to For more killer training videos for REALTORS who want more Yes's and more Successes in their business and in their life! From Kevin Ward, international real estate trainer, speaker, and coach.
Direct download: YESTalk-_84-_How_To_Warm_Up_For_Powerful_Prospecting_-_2_14_18_8.57_PM.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:21am PST |
Tue, 6 February 2018
Here are The Only Two Things You Need to Succeed in Real Estate: 1.CARING. Care more about your clients than your commission. I get criticized for teaching scripts… “People see right through that.” See right through what? What they see through is Selfishness and Incompetence. People are sick and tired traditional sales where the Realtor seems only interested in what he/she can get from the client. 2. Be truly great at what you do. Ultimately you get paid for one thing and one thing only, DELIVERING RESULTS. That is where greatness show up in real estate. Become the best at delivering the best results and you will never have to worry about where your next deal is coming from. When people believe you are on their side, and that you are great at what you do, they will follow you. And so will success. If this episode helps you, please LIKE, COMMENT & SHARE. Hit SUBSCRIBE to get notices of new episode! Go to For more killer training videos for REALTORS who want more Yes's and more Successes in their business and in their life! From Kevin Ward, international real estate trainer, speaker, and coach.
Direct download: YESTalk-_83-_What_You_Need_To_Succeed_In_Real_Estate__-_2_6_18_11.57_AM.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:04pm PST |
Wed, 31 January 2018
THERE MAY HAVE BEEN TIMES IN YOUR LIFE YOU NEEDED TO SETTLE DOWN...BUT NEVER WHEN YOU NEED TO SETTLE. We've all heard, “Never settle.” And yet we settle almost every day. When is it okay to settle and when is it not okay. Here are three times when you never want to settle… Never settle:
If this episode helps you, please LIKE, COMMENT & SHARE. Hit SUBSCRIBE to get notices of new episode! Go to For more killer training videos for REALTORS who want more Yes's and more Successes in their business and in their life! From Kevin Ward, international real estate trainer, speaker, and coach.
Direct download: YESTalk-_82-_NEVER_SETTLE_-_1_31_18_9.45_AM.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:58am PST |
Thu, 25 January 2018
Here is how to you deal with the “3rd Wheel Influencer” in Real Estate Transaction?
If this episode helps you, please LIKE, COMMENT & SHARE. Hit SUBSCRIBE to get notices of new episode! Go to For more killer training videos for REALTORS who want more Yes's and more Successes in their business and in their life! From Kevin Ward, international real estate trainer, speaker, and coach.
Direct download: YESTalk-_81-_Dealing_with_Parents_or_Other_Influencers_In_a_Real_Estate_Transaction_-_1_25_18_7.23_AM.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:37am PST |
Thu, 18 January 2018
The secret to achieving your goals in 2018 (or any time) is following a 4-step proven process that simply works:
If this episode helps you, please LIKE, COMMENT & SHARE. Hit SUBSCRIBE to get notices of new episode! Go to For more killer training videos for REALTORS who want more Yes's and more Successes in their business and in their life! From Kevin Ward, international real estate trainer, speaker, and coach.
Direct download: YESTalk-_80-_How_To_Achieve_Your_Goals_In_2018_-_1_17_18_7.26_PM.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:21am PST |
Thu, 18 January 2018
The first and most important ingredient for success is having a powerful, positive mindset. “As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.” (Proverbs 23:7) Earl Nightingale said in The Strangest Secret, “We become what we think about all the time.” Our mindset shows up in the words that we say to ourselves and to others. “I’m afraid…” “What if…” “I can’t…” These statements reflect our beliefs that become the limits of our ability. If you want to change your outcome, change the statements of belief you say to yourself from negative to positive. Change your “story.” 3 Daily Steps to Change Your Mindset: 1. Declarations. 2. Journaling Wins and Gratitudes. 3. Visualize the outcome you want. If this episode helps you, please LIKE, COMMENT & SHARE. Hit SUBSCRIBE to get notices of new episode! Go to For more killer training videos for REALTORS who want more Yes's and more Successes in their business and in their life! From Kevin Ward, international real estate trainer, speaker, and coach.
Direct download: YESTalk-_79-_3_Steps_to_Create_a_Powerful_Mindset_-_1_17_18_7.00_PM.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:17am PST |
Sat, 6 January 2018
90% of success is all about having a strong mindset and attitude. One of the greatest ways to build and maintain a positive mindset is through reading great books. Here are my TOP 10 MINDSET BOOKS (in alphabetical order): As a Man Thinketh by James Allen; The Answer by John Assaraf & Murray Smith; Awaken the Giant Within, by Anthony (Tony) Robbins; The Four Agreements, by Don Miguel Ruiz; The Magic of Thinking Big, by David J. Schwartz; The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod; #HalElrod #MiracleMorning The Secret by Rhonda Byrne; The Strangest Secret by Earl Nightingale; Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill; You Are a Badass by Jen Sincero. Here are my Honorable Mention Selections: The Master Key to Riches, by Napoleon Hill; Outwitting the Devil by Napoleon Hill; How to Raise Your Own Salary by Napoleon Hill; The Science of Getting Rich, Wallace D. Wattle
If this episode helps you, please LIKE, COMMENT & SHARE. Hit SUBSCRIBE to get notices of new episode! Go to For more killer training videos for REALTORS who want more Yes's and more Successes in their business and in their life! From Kevin Ward, international real estate trainer, speaker, and coach.
Direct download: YESTalk-_78-_TOP_TEN_MINDSET_BOOKS_-_1618_10.36_AM.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:28am PST |
Sat, 6 January 2018
One of the most powerful video marketing strategies for a real estate agent is getting great video testimonials from clients and past clients. People don’t believe what you say about you, but they believe what others say about you. I call it the power of third-party credibility. Here are the 4 simple steps to getting and using video testimonials: 1. Ask for it…multiple times if necessary. 2. Make it simple…and get it done. 3. Have them tell the story…”How did we meet?” “What happened next?” 4. Post it…everywhere. On Youtube. On your Website (have a Testimonials Tab). And on Social Media (Facebook and Instagram, etc).
If this episode helps you, please LIKE, COMMENT & SHARE. Hit SUBSCRIBE to get notices of new episode! Go to For more killer training videos for REALTORS who want more Yes's and more Successes in their business and in their life! From Kevin Ward, international real estate trainer, speaker, and coach.
Direct download: YESTalk-77-_Vidoe_Training_for_Realtors_-_Getting_Video_Testimonials_-_11218_4.25_PM.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:28am PST |
Sat, 6 January 2018
What kind of videos should you work on first as a real estate agent? It’s probably NOT what you think! The place to start is also the most simple with these two killer strategies: 1. Start using Facebook LIVE videos to introduce a new listing or promote your open house event. 2. Make a personalized Introduction Video and/or a follow up video for every lead or appointment that you get especially when it’s someone who you have never met face to face. Then you text or email them a link to the video. Be excited, happy, and in business dress with good lighting in the video. People will always watch it and it makes you a real person to them. The most important thing is to start and do it until you get comfortable with it. Practice a few times and then start shooting and sending. These two strategies are awesome at giving your credibility with people you meet and at improving your skills on video. Do it! And then share your comments about how it went.
If this episode helps you, please LIKE, COMMENT & SHARE. Hit SUBSCRIBE to get notices of new episode! Go to For more killer training videos for REALTORS who want more Yes's and more Successes in their business and in their life! From Kevin Ward, international real estate trainer, speaker, and coach.
Direct download: YESTalk_76-_Video_Training_for_Realtors-_Strategies_to_Get_Started_-_121217_6.48_PM.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:27am PST |