Kevin Ward's YES Talk | Real Estate Coaching and Success Training for Agents

I was recently interviewed by Kimberly Houk from Prospecting Today, where we discussed how to overcome the challenges of prospecting and the best scripts that work today especially with FSBOs and Expireds. Check it out and learn new strategies for getting tough prospects to listen to (and hire) you.

Also check out and their YouTube Channel:

Go to to get on the waitlist for Kevin's upcoming 3-Day Agent Mastery Live 2021.

Go to to get your free download of the Agent Power Pack! It's the BEST scripts that will get you more leads, listings, and sales.

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Learn How To Get More Real Estate Leads, More Listings, More Sales, with Less Resistance

Kevin Ward is a real estate coach, speaker, and trainer at and #1 Bestselling author of "The Book of YES: The Ultimate Real Estate Agent Conversation Guide."

Direct download: YesTalk-230_-_Prospecting_Today.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:57pm PST

How do you dramatically increase your prospecting results fast? 

First, have the BEST scripts (and master them). Click here to get your FREE download of my best core prospecting and lead generation scripts.

Make prospecting a game. Here’s how

  1. Pick fun Role Play partners.
  2. Role play the game.
  3. Play with prospects.  

Think to yourself: “I’m enjoying myself and you can’t mess that up. If you’re mad or antagonistic, that’s your problem, not mine.  I’m here to help you…and if you don’t want to dance with me…my goal is to win you over…and if I can’t, it’s your loss, not mine.”

Great performers get more excited by the challenge of a tough opponent.  They have more fun, not less. Approach it as a game…not a chore.  You’ll end up tired but thrilled that you won.

Skill, the BEST scripts, and your attitude will determine your results when prospecting.

Get more exclusive real estate agent trainings here 👉

Learn How To Get More Real Estate Leads, More Listings, More Sales, with Less Resistance

Kevin Ward is a real estate coach, speaker, and trainer at and #1 Bestselling author of "The Book of YES: The Ultimate Real Estate Agent Conversation Guide."

What you do now (regardless of the future of the market) will determine your success going into 2021…

If you want to have a great start in 2021, here are the FACTS you have to remember:

  1. In terms of your business, 2021 has already started because every lead you get now will pay you in 2021. The actions that you take now will determine your momentum going into the new year.
  2. December is the BEST time to get business because you have the most motivated leads and the least competition. Sellers (and buyers) are ready to buy/sell because they need to move now, and you get less competition because most agents aren’t working during the holidays.
  3. This is the perfect time to reconnect with your Personal Circle (your sphere of influence). You don’t have to ask them for business. Just reach out to them and wish them, “Happy Holidays”.

The future of the market is not as important as your future. Make 2021 great by taking action NOW.

If you’re committed to making 2021 your best year ever…join me for 3 days of intense training at Agent Mastery Live Virtual 2021: Winning “The Year After”. You’ll learn how to systematically DESIGN your business, strategically INCREASE your income, and successfully CREATE the life you want.  Sign up for the waitlist here:


Get more exclusive real estate agent trainings here 👉

Learn How To Get More Real Estate Leads, More Listings, More Sales, with Less Resistance

Kevin Ward is a real estate coach, speaker, and trainer at and #1 Bestselling author of "The Book of YES: The Ultimate Real Estate Agent Conversation Guide."

Direct download: YesTalk-228_-_Real_Estate_2021-_How_to_Get_More_Listings.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:22pm PST

Go to to get the best core scripts that will give you more leads, listing, and sales.

Here are 7 strategies to make your presentation extremely powerful

1. Master the in-person listing presentation. Master the script, don’t read it. Get your FREE download of the YesMasters Listing presentation from the Agent Power Pack here . Role play on Zoom and record yourself, so you can replay it and learn.

2. Zoom in your camera. Face the camera at eye-level, leaving just a bit of space between the top of your head and the top of the screen. Have a good webcam and good lighting in front of you. Check out this Diva Ring Light:

3. Smile and nod more than ever. These are visual cues that make people trust & like you because they see that you’re interested.

4. Have a powerful voice & good audio. Be articulate and don’t talk fast, so they understand you. Get a quality mic like the Yeti Blue mic (

5. Eye contact. Look directly at the camera (not at the computer screen), so you’re looking them in the eye.

6. Engage them with questions. The listing presentation that you’ll get in the FREE Agent Power Pack is a question-based presentation that engages them. It becomes a real conversation where they’re engaged and feel that you care about them.

7. Expect a decision on the Zoom. Be mentally prepared that they will decide on the call. Have the e-docs ready for them to sign (Docusign in their inbox).

Get more exclusive real estate agent trainings here 👉

Learn How To Get More Real Estate Leads, More Listings, More Sales, with Less Resistance

Kevin Ward is a real estate coach, speaker, and trainer at and #1 Bestselling author of "The Book of YES: The Ultimate Real Estate Agent Conversation Guide."

Direct download: YesTalk-227_-_How_to_do_a_powerful_listing_presentation_on_zoom.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:11am PST