Kevin Ward's YES Talk | Real Estate Coaching and Success Training for Agents

Here are the 10 things I hate about real estate:
1. B.S.
2. The egos.
3. I hate how easy it is to get in...and get out.
4. The Amateurism.
5. Our reputation.
6. How slow we are to adapt.
7. The whining and complaining of agents.
8. Rejection.
9. The boredom of repetition.
10. Lying clients

If this episode helps you, please LIKE, COMMENT & SHARE. Hit SUBSCRIBE to get notices of new episode! Go to For more killer training videos for REALTORS who want more Yes's and more Successes in their business and in their life! From Kevin Ward, international real estate trainer, speaker, and coach.

Direct download: YESTalk-133_-_Top_10_Things_I_Hate_About_Real_Estate.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:59pm PST

You may not like it...but here are the actual 3 steps that will conquer procrastination in your life IMMEDIATELY:

1. Stop trying to find the secret to overcome procrastination. (That is just another form of procrastination.) .

2. Start doing what you're avoiding right now.

3. Celebrate every little pro-active action that you take that you used to put off.

If this episode helps you, please LIKE, COMMENT & SHARE. Hit SUBSCRIBE to get notices of new episode! Go to For more killer training videos for REALTORS who want more Yes's and more Successes in their business and in their life! From Kevin Ward, international real estate trainer, speaker, and coach.

Direct download: YESTalk-132_-_How_to_Overcome_Chronic_Procrastination.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:00pm PST

If this episode helps you, please LIKE, COMMENT & SHARE. Hit SUBSCRIBE to get notices of new episode! Go to For more killer training videos for REALTORS who want more Yes's and more Successes in their business and in their life! From Kevin Ward, international real estate trainer, speaker, and coach.

Direct download: YESTalk-131_-_Jerry_Weaver_-_Interviews_with_The_Best.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:42pm PST

The lie is that prospecting is dead. Not even close.

“People hate sales pitches.” True. And they hated them 40 years ago.
“People hate you calling or knocking...”. Often true...just like 40 years ago.

A lot has changed...BUT NOT EVERYTHING.
What’s changed:

1) It’s harder to reach people.
2) People are more skeptical.
3) Online access to information.

1. A mult-dimensional Lead Gen strategy that is relentless.
Combination of prospecting (call, door, text) & marketing (print/mail, email, internet)
Ask more = win more. Ask in different ways...that accommodates how prospects will respond...and more persistence to break through resistance.

2. A powerful communication skillset that can lead people to decisions.
No matter how you generate the convert the lead, you're going to have to inspire them to hire you...and list at a price that will sell. Communication skills are going down the drain...because nobody wants to talk to each other & face possible rejection... Which leaves the door wide open...for pros.

3. A bullet-proof mindset that is set on success, not trying to make everyone happy.

If this episode helps you, please LIKE, COMMENT & SHARE. Hit SUBSCRIBE to get notices of new episode! Go to For more killer training videos for REALTORS who want more Yes's and more Successes in their business and in their life! From Kevin Ward, international real estate trainer, speaker, and coach.

Direct download: YESTalk-130_-_The_Future_of_Lead_Generation.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:53am PST