Kevin Ward's YES Talk | Real Estate Coaching and Success Training for Agents

Go to to get more information about Kevin Ward's upcoming 3-Day Agent Mastery Live.

How do you get one listing and turn it into 5 transactions? You leverage success.

Here are 7 strategies to get 5 additional deals from a listing:

  1. Put a sign in the yard. Motivated buyers will go directly to you, the listing agent.

  2. Sell the listing. Putting a SOLD sign on the FOR SALE sign gives you credibility.

  3. Neighborhood Direct Mail Campaign Send out 5 separate mailers to every home in the neighborhood about the listing. (Coming soon, Just listed postcard, invitation to the open house event, Pending, Sold). This tells them that you’re the agent that gets results.

  4. Door-knock and invite at least 200 neighbors to the Open House Event (script is in The Book of YES <link>) on the first weekend the house is on the market.

  5. Have a powerful Open House Event with online registration (use Open Home Pro or ), and follow up with unrepresented prospects. Send them a Personal Intro Video that same day. This helps them remember you.

  6. Ask the seller for referrals before, during, and after the sale. You’ve already earned their trust when they hired you.

  7. Get a video testimonial from your seller. Use it on your website & social media. Third-person testimonials are the best marketing on the planet.

Create systems to do these strategies consistently, and you can always expect YES!

I’ll train you on how to create these systems to get more business without chasing deals at Agent Mastery Live 2020. Click here to register.

What other strategies do you use to get more deals? Share them in the comments below.

Go to For more killer training videos for REALTORS who want more Yes's and more Successes in their business and in their life! From Kevin Ward, international real estate trainer, speaker, and coach.

Direct download: Yestalk-177_-_7_Strategies_to_Get_5_Deals_From_Every_Listing.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:00am PST

Go to to get more information about Kevin Ward's upcoming 3-Day Agent Mastery Live.

Life is your championship game. And when you’re playing a game that matters, winning is everything.

How do you become the best in the world at what you do? Is it talent, good genes, personality, background?

It’s the CHOICES you make and the things you do.

Here are the 3 predictors of greatness

1. Championship thinking. “I’m in it to win it!” Champions plan to win, amateurs play for fun. Plan, train and commit to winning.

2. Ownership. Take ownership of the process of winning. Make it your responsibility to take your business and life to the championship.

3. Leadership. Who do I need to influence to make it happen? E.g. PC, relationships, team, other agents.

You want to be top in your market? Be willing to do what others are not doing. Have a championship mindset. Play to win and always expect YES!

How are you training to succeed? Share it in the comments section below.

Go to For more killer training videos for REALTORS who want more Yes's and more Successes in their business and in their life! From Kevin Ward, international real estate trainer, speaker, and coach.

Direct download: YesTalk-176_-_3_Keys_to_Win_in_Your_Real_Estate_Business.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:00am PST

When JP started flipping homes after the recession cost him his job in 1991, the huge profit and opportunity to meet people got him excited about real estate. He then got his license and built his real estate business at the same time that he started his fitness business.

He became a top producer in his second year in real estate

He got business from building relationships. He always did a great job for people and got referrals. But he was missing a system.

JP first saw Kevin on YouTube and appreciated his straightforward with no BS approach. In 2016, he went to the Double Your Listing Power live event. That’s where he realized how success all starts with mindset.

This then led him to join the 100-day Listmaster Challenge. It was the most eye-opening experience for him.

JP was a top producing agent who had the humility and coachability to go back to basics. and do everything he was told to.

He realized that he could have helped more people if he had previously asked them for business. He had lost 5M in business by not creating Top of Mind Awareness with them.

Practicing foundational skills like communication allowed him to be great. It changed every part of his life, not just real estate.

After the challenge, he entered the Inner Circle. His life dramatically changed with coaching and training with like-minded people. He got double the amount of business, enabling him to give double to charities.

He built his team around the concept of collaboration and mentoring. He regularly coaches his team because he cares more about how he can help people be successful.

JP’s advice on how to build a team:
Coach with Kevin.
Build the foundation of learning.
Before you hire anybody, have more business than you can handle yourself.

His biggest breakthrough in 2019 was growing his business by 20-30%.

His advice to agents: Keep positive, keep moving. Don’t allow yourself to get stuck. The path is never straight.

Go to For more killer training videos for REALTORS who want more Yes's and more Successes in their business and in their life! From Kevin Ward, international real estate trainer, speaker, and coach.

Direct download: YesTalk-175_-_JP_Montalvan.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:00am PST

When I was a new agent, I knew I had to put in the work to succeed. What I didn’t realize then were these BIG THINGS that would have made a big difference in the trajectory of my success, had I known them sooner.

Here are 7 things I wish I knew as a new agent:

  1. To focus on sellers (not just listings). Focus on what they want, get them the best result, and win the relationship. You’ll get leverage and consistent income.
  2. Power of relationships. Build relationships and ask everyone for business and expect help.
  3. Importance of Lead Follow-Up. 70% or more of your transactions will come after the first conversation. Have a lead follow up system so you don’t miss potential deals.
  4. Importance of self-image. Your fears are not real. Take action and force yourself to do what you're afraid of, so you become confident and get over the fear of doing it.
  5. Think beyond survival. Have an abundance mentality. Set higher goals.
  6. It’s easy to use work as an escape from life’s problems. Deal with your problems, because a catastrophe in one area of your life affects everything else (including your business).
  7. Going pro. If you want to succeed in real estate, have the right work ethic and train harder like a professional athlete does. Commit to coaching and training to improve your skills and confidence.

I’ll train you on this in detail at Agent Mastery Live 2020. It’s our new 3-day training where I'm giving you the systems and strategies that will make the biggest impact on your success. Click here to register now.

Is there something you wish you’d known when you were a new agent? Share it in the comments below.

Direct download: YesTalk-174_-_7_Things_I_Wish_Id_Known_as_A_New_Real_Estate_Agent.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:33am PST

I was the last person you’d think would succeed in real estate.

The only sales training I had was working as head cashier at Burger King. I didn’t have money, resources, or connections.

I became what people expected me to be...a small-town preacher.

But I had a big dream to change the world and make an impact on people’s lives beyond church ministry.

Then, I realized that real estate can help me achieve my goal.

I took real estate classes while I was still doing church ministry. When I got my license, I moved into the big city and started real estate...full time!

Three months into the business, I finally got my first listing. After all deductions, I ended up with $350 on my first closing. It was tough because I had no savings and was living on credit cards.

The key thing was, I never imagined failing. I was 100% committed to succeeding. I ended the first year with 19 transactions (mostly listings) under my belt. I felt so powerful when I got my first 6-figure listing!

These are the things I did right:
Went in full time.
Immersed myself in real estate
Prospected every day
Got training

If you’re new or thinking about getting into real estate, you can do this! If you got a good attitude, work ethic, and you’re willing to learn from the best, you can succeed.

Train with me at Agent Mastery Live 2020. It will accelerate your income and success. Go to and register NOW.

Direct download: YesTalk-173_-_How_I_Got_Started_In_Real_Estate.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:26pm PST