Kevin Ward's YES Talk | Real Estate Coaching and Success Training for Agents (general)
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Direct download: BLOG-_When_To_Give_Up_On_A_Prospect.mp3
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Direct download: AUDIO-_How_an_Inspection_Can_Make_Sellers_Money.mp3
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Direct download: GETTING_OUT_OF_THE_BOX.mp3
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Direct download: THE_7_DOMAINS.mp3
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Direct download: THE_5_CORE_VALUES.mp3
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Category:general -- posted at: 6:07am PST

The key to winning is to acknowledge and address the areas in your life where you are losing or not doing well. This requires the willingness to face discomfort and change.


Here are five questions to ask yourself to help you live your best life:


  1. What specific thing have you been putting off doing because it's uncomfortable or you're not ready? It's time to confront it head-on because the discomfort you feel is a sign of growth. Make that commitment, and start taking the necessary steps towards your dreams. 


2. Where have you been pumping the brakes when life has been telling you to hit the accelerator? Fear often holds us back from progress. But a life of greatness is not achieved by playing it safe. Trust that you are capable of facing whatever challenge comes your way. It's time to speed towards your dreams.


3. When did you stop dreaming and start living to please others? Your dreams matter. Reclaim that childlike imagination and dream bigger. Don't let the expectations of others stop you. 


4. Where have you been deceiving yourself, denying the truth about what's not working? Deep down, you know what needs to change. Acknowledge those areas of your life where you've been settling, suppressing your discontentment. Be willing to face the truth and make a commitment to change (no matter how uncomfortable). 

5. What is that one thing you've been avoiding due to discomfort? The breakthrough you seek lies on the other side of your discomfort. It's time to confront it head-on. Refuse to let fear hold you back any longer. This is your life, your championship season. Give it everything you've got!


Direct download: 5_QUESTIONS_TO_ASK_YOURSELF.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:00am PST

Category:general -- posted at: 9:00am PST

Category:general -- posted at: 9:00am PST

The key to building a business is connecting with people and taking that relationship beyond the initial meeting.


Whenever you meet someone, make an effort to get into a conversation with them. And then, at the end of it, remember to ask for their contact information.


It’s not enough to just give them your business card, because there’s a great chance it’s going to end up in the trash. Without any exchange of contact information, you have no connection and have not started a relationship. 


Connect and start the relationship, it’s going to be priceless for you both.


Category:general -- posted at: 9:37am PST

Direct download: WHAT_KEEPS_YOU_MOTIVATED.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:27pm PST

Relationships before real estate. People matter more than money. 


You reap what you sow. When you sow the seeds of your relationship and nurture them, it’s only a matter of time before you reap the rewards. Not just your clients, but also other agents and their clients, will love you.


And one powerful way of sowing the seeds is by sending personal videos.


As was the case for one of my top coaching members, Jose Contreras... He did what most other agents never do: He sent a personal video to the seller’s agent (Jose was representing the buyer), and got their offer accepted, even though theirs wasn’t the highest offer.


But as you’re building relationships, you’re sometimes going to have people in your Personal Circle choose a different agent over you. Don’t let that break your heart. Instead, go and wish them well, and keep nurturing the relationship. Sooner or later, they will come back to you (especially after they start to regret using the other agent).



Direct download: VIDEO_CALLS__HOW_TO_ACCEPT_A_LOSS.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:00am PST

Direct download: MR_NICE_GUY_IS_GONE.mp3
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Category:general -- posted at: 8:07pm PST

What do you do when you fail or get rejected? 

Never quit because it is only a temporary defeat. 

In the case of one of my coaching members, Julia Rogel, she didn’t give up even though she hasn’t had any success with Expireds for the longest time. She trusted the process and regularly sent them personal videos. 

Through those videos, Julia genuinely showed them that she cared and wanted to help them. In the end, those Expireds trusted Julia and made her their agent for life. 


What are Personal Videos?

Personal videos are videos that you text to anyone you’ve just had a quality conversation with (i.e. an Expired, someone from your personal circle, a new referral, or somebody you met at an open house event). 

Simply shoot a video with a simple message telling them that you’re there for them, and if there's anything you can do to help, they can just reach out to you. And then, send the video through text, directly to their phone.



Direct download: NEVER_QUITING__PERSONAL_VIDEOS_with_coaching_member_JULIA_ROGEL.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:00am PST

The most powerful and highest money-making skill in real estate is the ability to lead people to a decision to work with you. 

But what will make them say YES to you? 

  1. Certainty. Their feeling of certainty about you will make them want to hire you. But that certainty will come from you. For instance, as you’re talking to them, have that energy of certainty that you’re knowledgeable about the current market situation. When you show up with confidence, commitment, competence, courage, and compassion, people are irresistibly drawn to you. The key to gaining the trust and certainty of others is to have certainty in yourself.
  1. Understanding the psychology of decision making. Your ability to lead people to a decision is directly related to your skill at decision-making. If you can’t make decisions for yourself, then you won’t be able to lead others to a decision. Decision-making is an uncomfortable process because pressure is what drives us to make most decisions. Learn how to open up a space where people can feel pressure, and then lead them to make a decision immediately.
Direct download: THE_NAME_OF_THE_GAME.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:00am PST

How do you bounce back from a traumatic past and win in your business and your life?

Answer: Commitment + Association. 

Motivation is not enough because this is fleeting. Instead, you want to be committed.

It starts with a decision… a commitment to having the discipline to take action towards achieving your goals. Discipline forces you to take action, until you see results.

Surround yourself with the right people who are going to help you stay true to your commitments. 

And when you take care of all areas of your life (your health, relationships, etc.), your business will take off because you’re able to show up as the best version of you for your clients. 

One of my top coaching members (and good friend), Sergio Nazzaro, has made $1M in only 8 months. But he’s no smarter or better than anyone else. He simply does the work and hangs out with the right people.

Trust the process, trust your coach, and do the work.

Category:general -- posted at: 10:02am PST

Put everything on the line.


This requires honesty as you confront yourself. Be honest about what you want in life, and how far you’re willing to go to get it.


Stop worrying about other people’s opinions. You don’t need their approval.


Have the courage to lead and be the king or queen that you are.


Don’t succumb to a life of regret. We’ve got only one chance at life. Make the most of it. 


That’s the only way to truly live. Choose that kind of life.


Set a new standard for yourself. Change your life, upgrade your life, and make a difference in the world.


Don’t wait. Do it NOW.


Category:general -- posted at: 9:00am PST

Most people know what they want but don’t know how to get there. 


The first step is to be honest with yourself… What are you committed to absolutely having? And are you willing to do whatever it takes to get it?


The tactical steps to get there are easy. The hard part is digging deep inside you to figure out what you MUST have, no matter what.


Decide whether you’re willing to pay the price for it. And then take action.


What are the immediate actions you need to take to move closer to your goals?


Direct download: AFFIRM_THE_COMMITMENT.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:34am PST

If you want to win big, you got to think different, you got to play different.


Show up like a PRO. 


Keep your commitments. 


Show up early for appointments. Because when you're late, it tells people that you don't keep your word. And when you don't keep your commitments, people don't trust you.


Nobody cares about your reasons for being late. All they care about is that you broke your commitment to show up at a certain time. 


It doesn't matter if you have the best strategies in the world. Until you learn how to show up like a champion, nobody's going to follow you.


If you want to win championships and change your life, play like a pro.

Direct download: PROS_SHOW_UP_DIFFERENT.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:00am PST

Most people say they want to go to the next level.

But as the greatest achievers know, there is no “next level”. There is only ascension and descension (no middle ground). And as you ascend, you will meet a lot of resistance.

For you to ascend & achieve, you must first get CLARITY on what you want and COMMIT to having it no matter what...even if it requires you to go out of your comfort zone.

Yes, you are a king or queen, but it’s not your job to save everybody. You are the ruler of your life & your business. That is your kingdom. With all the real estate strategies you have, practice and do the work.

What do the greatest achievers in the world all have in common? They trust their gut. Because of that, they don’t need other people’s approval, and they make decisions quickly. If they make the wrong decision, they learn from it fast and course correct.

The Real Estate Vortex is the framework of a high 6 or 7-figure business. Like a swirling storm, it attracts business to its center. And at the core of the Real Estate Vortex is YOU. You are the eye of the storm (where it’s calm).


The YesMasters Mantra: “I am the eye of the storm. I remain calm & centered regardless of anything.”


How do you make more money & achieve big dreams?


First, you have to learn to dream bigger. The way you do that is through EXPOSURE.


Expose yourself to more expensive things, higher accomplishments, bigger achievers. This helps you realize that what you used to think impossible is actually possible.


But here’s the problem…


Subconsciously, we try to justify not having something nice because we can't afford it. We create a story in our heads and tell ourselves that we don’t want it, in order to justify why we don't have it.


If you want to make money, you have to dream bigger. Are you up for the challenge?

Category:general -- posted at: 9:00am PST

There are 4 things that stop you from being successful.

The 4 Destroyers

  1. DECEPTION-.When you’re not honest with yourself about where you are right now (i.e. in your business), thinking that everything is fine, you don’t do what it takes to succeed.
  2. DODGING- You creatively avoid doing what you know needs to be done. You make excuses for not doing it. Dodging=Procrastination=Lack of courage. The key to fighting procrastination is to face your fears. Just do what you need to do to move your business forward, even though it scares you. 
  3. DRIFTING- It’s when you go about your daily tasks with no focused goal, clear direction, or strategy. 
  4. DISTRACTION- Getting sidetracked by social media or unimportant phone calls stops you from being productive.
Category:general -- posted at: 9:00am PST

The biggest money-making video strategy for realtors is called the Personal Video. 

Here are the 3 types of Personal Videos:

  1. Personal Introduction Video- a video that you would text message to somebody that you've just met or that you've just talked to on the phone (i.e. a new prospect, lead, or someone you just set an appointment with). The exact script is at the 3:02 mark in the audio.
  2. Personal Appreciation Video- a video that you text someone you already know, after having a conversation with them. (Exact script at the 6:03 audio timestamp)
  3. Personal Collaboration Video- a video you send to somebody that you are in a transaction with (i.e. If you’re the buyer’s agent, you send this to the listing agent on the other side of the transaction). (Exact script at the 7:35 audio timestamp)

The key with these videos is… they make the recipient feel important, appreciated, and these videos help you stay top-of-mind with them.

Category:general -- posted at: 9:00am PST

Why don’t business plans or New Year’s resolutions help you reach your goals?

1. Your business plan is too vague. The more specific and detailed you are about how you're going to accomplish a goal, the better your chances of achieving it.

2. You set it and forget it. When you set your goals and then forget them, they don’t drive your daily actions and focus. You then lose direction of how to reach your goals.

3. You give up too easily. No matter how great your business plan is, if you easily give up with every small mistake or failure, you will never succeed.

4. You don’t do what you say you’re going to do. Lack of commitment is the number one cause of failure. When you don’t commit 100%, you still give yourself the option to fail.

Decide on what you are committed to accomplishing in your business and in your life this year. Figure out what it takes to achieve those goals…and do it! No shortcuts.

Direct download: blog_YOUR_2023_BUSINESS_PLAN.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:19am PST

Three Reasons Why Realtors Need Real Estate Investors

  1. Investors buy and sell real estate all the time. No matter the market condition, most real estate investors still buy and sell property. 
  2. Investors are not emotional. They don’t allow fear or uncertainty to rule their business decisions. Once they decide to buy, they close & get you paid.
  3. You can learn from investors. Because owning real estate is one of the best ways to get financially free & create cash flow, an investor is the best person to learn from.



  1. Join 2-3 real estate investor meetup groups, and meet with them in person once a week. Don’t introduce yourself as a realtor right away & offer your services, because this tends to turn them off. Instead, be genuinely interested in learning more about real estate investing from them.
  2. On your MLS, look up all the cash closings in a specific market area in the last 3, 6, or 12 months, six months, or 12 months. Pull up the tax record to get the tax billing address, and send a direct mailer to that investor. Or, do skip tracing to find their phone number and call them. 

The key to success with real estate investors is to connect with & build a relationship with them. They will become a source of business for you over and over and over again. 


Category:general -- posted at: 9:00am PST

Here are 5 Strategies to getting more YES

(For the exact scripts, get your FREE copy of The Book of YES here)

  1. Always expect YES. Your expectation determines your attitude. Your positive energy will radiate in your conversations with them. Believe that they will say YES because they need you.
  2. Affirm their NO without resistance. "Okay got it, so right now you're just thinking about taking it off the market. Makes total sense." Here, you’re reframing their NO from an absolute to a possible option.
  3. Adjust the conversation. Go from trying to talk them into selling, to just saying,"What can I do? So if it had sold, what was your ideal outcome?” You’re just genuinely curious, not interrogating them.
  4. Accept the NO as temporary. Graciously accept that their NO is not final.
  5. Appreciate them with a personal video. This is not a hard-sell video. Simply shoot them a quick video, thanking them for their time and letting them know that you’re there for them if they need help. And then, text them that video. Or, you can send them a personal handwritten note with a business card and your face. Make sure to include the link to your website where you can talk to them on video. *Touch base with them 2-4 weeks later.
Category:general -- posted at: 9:00am PST

6 Shifts To Make To Grow Your Business & Income In 2023 & Beyond

  1. Get tougher. Toughen up your commitment. The story inside your head must get tougher, to a point where you can handle rejection & failure. Be 100% determined to win at all costs.
  2. Train with a coach. Find somebody that can guide and help you with systems, strategies, skills, and mindset to help you grow your business. No one ever succeeds alone.
  3. Tighten up your schedule. Use your time in a more productive way.
  4. Track your numbers. Track your total number of…
    1. Conversations (How many conversations are you having in a day?)
    2. Connections (How many new relationships are you creating?)
    3. Commitments (How many appointments are you setting?)
    4. Contracts
    5. Closings
    6. Cash
  5. Talk to more people. Spend at least 90 minutes a day getting into conversations with people (whether it’s prospecting or talking to people you already know).Focus on building relationships the ff people (they will help FIX your business):F- FSBOs

    I- Investors

    X- Expireds 


  6. Take only YES for an answer. Don’t give up too easily when people first tell you NO. Be friendly, not aggressive.
Category:general -- posted at: 9:00am PST

What are the 3 secrets to success in a market shift for realtors?

  1. The Power of Commitment. Be willing to go ALL IN 100% (this is not the time to be a part-time agent). Your commitment is what drives you to do the work consistently. Don't give yourself an option to fail.
  2. Mastery over your feelings. Your feelings are probably the most powerful part of your life, because they drive your behavior. The highest achievers in the world follow their commitments rather than allow their emotions to control them. Stop seeking other people's approval because their opinions don't determine your success.
  3. Having an Energy of Certainty. Especially during times of chaos, people turn to someone with absolute certainty & confidence that they know what they're doing. Sellers & buyers are looking for an agent they can trust to help them. Trust yourself first before you can earn their trust.

Your commitment drives your actions towards mastery of your feelings and the skills to become great at what you do. You then become more confident, show up with certainty, and get people to trust you.

Direct download: 3_SECRETS_TO_SUCCESS_IN_A_MARKET_SHIFT_1_1.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:00am PST

The first step to having a more profitable business is to build relationships with people you know.

You want to create Top Of Mind Awareness with them by adding value to them and genuinely making them feel special. You become unforgettable, and they will refer business to you over and over again.

Here are 4 Strategies for Getting More Business Through Your Relationships

  1. Care about people.
    1.  Send out personalized handwritten “Happy Thanksgiving” notes.
    2.  Call (or leave a voicemail) or send a text message, greeting them a Happy Thanksgiving.
    3.  Shoot them a personal Thanksgiving video greeting & text it to them.
  2. Give people something of value. You can do a Pie Giveaway. Call them up, say, "Hey, I want to get you a pie. I'm ordering you a pie for Thanksgiving. Would you like pumpkin or pecan pie?" And then you're going to deliver those pies to them.
  3. Promote local businesses on your social media channels. (i.e.Post a quick shout out to your favorite local coffee shop on your Facebook page.)
  4. WOW your past clients. Give them something above and beyond what you’d normally give everyone else. This is not a closing gift. Instead, you send this to them 6 months after closing. Just say, "Hey, I appreciate you as a client. Anything I can do for you. I'm here for you and this is just a little token of my appreciation." And then, give them something that is worth 3 to 5% of the value of the transaction.
Category:general -- posted at: 8:59am PST

How do you deal with sellers going through a divorce (and get the listing)?

#1. Get into a conversation with both of them. Ask for the other spouse’s contact information and reach out to them to see how you can help. Or, do a three-way conference call with both of them present. No matter your track record or how close you are to one of them, it’s the first agent that gets into a conversation with the husband and the wife and makes them both feel comfortable that gets the listing. 

#2. Identify the motivation of both parties. 

  1. Who’s living in the house right now?
  2. Do they want to save the marriage? Does one of them want to keep the house?
  3. Who’s currently making the house payments? How is the money going to be split between them? If one is getting more than the other, that will affect the other’s motivation to sell.

#3. Never take sides. Reassure the other spouse that you don’t know well that you’ll represent them both fairly.

#4. Get them both to agree on one thing: selling their house for the most money in the least amount of time

#5. Stay in 3-way communication. Throughout the entire process, keep both parties informed. You can do group text, group chat, or group email. 


Category:general -- posted at: 9:00am PST

Here are 3 Emergency Steps to take to help your business thrive in the face of the current economic crisis & real estate market shift. 

  1. Accept reality. Although your business did well last year, this is not the time to be complacent. You have to persevere because what’s coming up is going to be worse than the Great Recession of 2008.
  2. Focus on building relationships. In times of crisis, people will only listen to someone they trust. Do not convince people to buy or sell. Now is the time to connect, build relationships, and earn their trust by letting them know that you’re out there to help them make a decision that’s in their best interest.
  3. Communicate certainty. With every conversation you have, you must communicate certainty. But first create certainty within yourself. Know what's happening in your market, and then you become a resource person. When you show up with absolute certainty, people will listen and follow you. 

Category:general -- posted at: 9:00am PST

With interest rates going up, is this a good time to buy? 

YES, if at least one of these applies:

  1. The buyer wants a place to live and plans to stay for 5-10 years. 
  2. You’re in a market where buying is cheaper than renting.
  3. You as the agent can help the buyer negotiate the best terms and price. You can negotiate to have the mortgage company buy down their interest rate (with seller concessions) 

What to do with a lead or prospect that wants to wait:

  1. Identify their motivation. The most important thing is to identify their reason for wanting to buy a house 
  2. Be the problem solver. If their problem is high interest rates, give them several options (i.e. you can negotiate to have the seller do a concession to buy down your interest rate, figure out ways to make it as good a deal or better than if they had bought 6 months ago.
  3. Keep building the relationship. Shoot straight with them, so you earn their trust. And stay Top of Mind with them, so when the time comes that they’re ready to buy, they will reach out to you.



Direct download: BUYERS_SHOULD_I_BUY_OR_WAIT.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:00am PST

Is it a good time to sell your house, or should you wait?


Right now, interest rates are high, inflation is up, the stock market is down, businesses are not doing well, and more layoffs are happening.


3 Ways to Approach This (As An Agent)


  1. Identify their motivation. Find out WHY they want to move.
  2. Be the problem solver. Guide and lead them to a decision by giving them the pros & cons of moving & selling now.
  3. Build & value the relationship. Be honest & always make it about what’s best for them (not your commission check).


3 Reasons That It’s a Good Time To Sell

  1. They’re thinking about downsizing. The price of their home has gone up over the years, and they no longer need to live in a big house.
  2. They want to get the most equity out of the property. In some markets, prices are starting to drop, so it’s best to sell now to protect their equity.
  3. Planning to buy right away. Interest rates are already up and are going to spike even more in the future.


People have to understand that historically, when prices go up & down, it takes months or years for the market to shift back.

Category:general -- posted at: 9:00am PST

Three reasons why a market downturn is great news for real estate agents ready to explode & grow their business.

  1. Motivation to sell jumps dramatically. People who have been putting off selling their homes suddenly get the urge to sell because as the market shifts, home prices start to drop.
  2. Scared people will listen. Whenever people start seeing the market turning, they start getting scared. And when you have market knowledge, understanding, and expertise, all of a sudden, they’re going to start listening to you, trusting you, and they’re going to hire you.
  3. Most of your competition will disappear. A lot of real estate agents (mostly those who are not doing the work) will panic & flunk out of the business because deals aren’t coming to them anymore. Even top producers will consider retiring now. 

Be willing to do the work and master the skills, strategies, and systems to succeed…and the opportunities for you are going to be massive.

Category:general -- posted at: 9:00am PST

What do you do when an Expired says that they’re never moving out unless it’s the right price?

1. Start the relationship. Connect with them through text. First, respond with a text message saying, “Understood” (with a thumbs up emoji). And then add, “What would be the right price?” If they text back with the price, you then reply, “Great. When would be a good time to jump on a quick call? 

2. Get into a phone conversation. Over the phone, you can identify their motivation and start building rapport. 

If they’re motivated to move, go ahead and set the appointment. If they’re not motivated, say, “Okay, great. Understood. If anything changes, let me know.” (The complete script is in The Book of YES. Get your FREE copy here.)

NEXT: After getting off the phone, send them a quick video and say, “Hey, Mr. and Ms. Smith, thanks for taking time to talk to me today. I understand right now is not really the time you want to sell. So I just want to send you a quick video, personally introduce myself, and let you know if I can help with anything, I’m here to help you. And whenever things change, please let me know. We’ll talk soon. Have a great day.”

3. Build the relationship. Touch base with them every month through a quick phone call or  text. 

Category:general -- posted at: 9:06am PST

Did you get into real estate just for the money? Or is there more beyond real estate?

To be really successful in real estate, you have to be winning in all areas of your life because they’re all connected. When you fail or succeed in one part of your life, it affects everything else.

To give you a framework, here’s an overview of the 7 Domains of Life:

  1. FINANCE. Are you making enough money to secure your family’s future?
  2. FOCUS. What are you focused on? What is your major purpose in life?
  3. FEELINGS. Your emotions (whether it’s fear, uncertainty, or confidence) drive your actions.
  4. FITNESS. Watch your health because your body is the only vehicle that will help you achieve your goals.
  5. FAMILY & FRIENDS. How are your relationships with the people that matter most to you?
  6. FUN. Laugh, play, and do something you love so you can recharge & function well in the other domains.
  7. FAITH. This is not necessarily religious, but what do you believe? It’s your moral compass. It’s your values of what you believe about right and wrong and about power and about the universe, about God, about people. 
Category:general -- posted at: 3:13pm PST

How do you handle this FSBO objection when they say they’ve already sold their home?

  1. Congratulate them. First, take it at face value and congratulate them. And then ask them a few questions (Have they signed the offer? Has the earnest money been deposited?). Never sound skeptical or make the FSBO wrong. 
  2. Offer help. Ask if they have any questions or if they need help going through the process of making sure that the transaction closes. You can offer your services for a reduced commission (1 or 2%). 
  3. Don’t buy their story. Don’t believe that they’ve actually already sold the property. They’re inexperienced with the entire process, so the deal could still fall through. 
  4. Follow up every week. Don’t worry about being annoying or pushy. Call them to simply touch base and find out how things are going and if there’s anything you can do to help.
  5. Come to the rescue. There’s a good chance that the transaction won’t close, so be ready to come to the FSBO’s rescue. Because you’ve already established credibility and trust with them, they now feel that you’re on their side and that you’re genuinely willing to help.
Category:general -- posted at: 3:42am PST

More and more price reductions are happening as the market continues to shift. So how do you do a price reduction? What do you do when a listing sits on the market too long? 

1. START WITH THE RIGHT PRICE. It’s better to start with the right price rather than come in weeks later and do a price correction because the most motivated buyers have already seen and rejected it the first week it came on the market. 

2. BE UPSET ABOUT IT BEFORE THE SELLER GETS UPSET. If the listing doesn’t sell 4-5 days after it goes on the market, have an honest conversation with your seller about the situation. When you let them know that you’re not happy about what’s happening, it shows them that you care and that you’re on top of things.

3. SHOOT STRAIGHT WITH THE SELLER FAST. Tell them that you have to do a significant price reduction ASAP so you can reach the most number of potential buyers.

4. KEEP IT ABOUT THE MARKET. It’s all about the market & what buyers are willing to pay.

5. GIVE THEM FAIR WARNING. Four or 5 days after it goes on the market, suggest doing a price reduction to your seller.

6. REDUCE THE PRICE SOONER RATHER THAN LATER. A listing becomes stale the longer it sits on the market. When people see that a listing has been on the market for so many days, they will wonder, “What’s wrong with that house?”

7. BIG PRICE REDUCTIONS ARE BETTER THAN SMALL PRICE REDUCTIONS. When you do a big price reduction, you reposition your listing on the market & increase your chances of getting multiple offers. 

Most importantly, have certainty and confidence with your sellers to lead them to make sure that they get the right price for their home. 

Category:general -- posted at: 9:00am PST

If you want to win in a changing real estate market, these are the 2 Most Important Market Stats to track EVERY WEEK.


  1. Total number of active listings in your market right now. How many homes are on the market today? Tracking this every week lets you see trends in supply and demand over time.
  2. Number of price reductions in your market every single week. How many price reductions were there in your entire market in the last seven days? Also break it down into the micro market level of individual suburbs, towns, or cities.

When you know what's happening in your market, you gain confidence & knowledge. This helps you communicate better as you’re marketing to your database, doing lead generation, and handling pricing objections.

If you want more winning strategies for adding 2-3 more deals every month, I’d like to invite you to join me for my FREE live webclass called, How to Win in a Changing Market. Register for free HERE > 

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3 Best Opportunities In the Changing Market

  1. Relationships. (a.k.a. your sphere of influence) Build a personal circle of relationships with people who trust you. This involves training them to keep you top-of-mind, so when they know of anybody looking to buy or sell real estate, they will refer you. This is your WOMMT (Word Of Mouth Marketing Team)
  2. Distressed Sellers. (e.g. They can't make the mortgage payment & have a notice of default filed on their house, or an Expired). They’re motivated to sell & need your help but might resist at first. The key here is to master how to break through their resistance. This is what I train on in my FREE live masterclass. Get details HERE
  3. Downsizers. These are baby boomers looking to move into a smaller sized home. With the shifts in the market, this is the time that they’re considering selling because the value of their house has gone up and they have equity. And because they’re used to being homeowners, you as the agent can double-dip and be their buyer’s agent. 

Shift your mindset, from focusing on just getting the money to becoming the master problem solver for your clients.

Because people will resist you when they feel that you’re just in it for the money. But when they know that you genuinely care about them and that you are there to help guide them through whatever transition they’re going through…they will trust and depend on you.

If you want to learn how to actually break through the barrier that’s keeping you from making 6 figures a year, join me for a free live webinar called… More Leads, More Listings, More Life. Register for free HERE

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Learn How To Get More Real Estate Leads, More Listings, More Sales, with Less Resistance 

Kevin Ward is a real estate coach, speaker, and trainer at and #1 Bestselling author of "The Book of YES: The Ultimate Real Estate Agent Conversation Guide."

Category:general -- posted at: 7:28am PST

Go to to join me for our FREE weekly webinar.

How do you survive in the changing market…and what is coming? 

  1. Don’t BS yourself or other people. Don’t lie to yourself that things are going to be alright. With interest rate hikes & the worst inflation in history, people are worried about their financial state.

But whether the housing market actually shifts or not, it’s better to be prepared.

2. Stop thinking about survival, because this subconsciously puts you into ‘retreat mode’. You just want to hide until the storm passes. And when you’re panicking, you stop putting yourself out there to get listings and sales.

3. Go all in to win. Play to win (not just to survive), because there are going to be tremendous opportunities for the agents that are adapting, adjusting, and preparing. Commit all in to win because the shifts are going to require you to be in the game.

4.Find the opportunities.  Going into survival mode puts you in a mindset of scarcity, whereas looking from an opportunity mode puts you in a mindset of abundance. Opportunities in your market will open up when you start looking for them.

The 5 Mantras of Success

  1. Dream bigger.
  2. Move faster.
  3. Push harder.
  4. Get tougher.
  5. Do more.

If you want to learn how to actually break through the barrier that’s keeping you from making 6 figures a year, join me for a free live webinar called… More Leads, More Listings, More Life. Register for free HERE

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Learn How To Get More Real Estate Leads, More Listings, More Sales, with Less Resistance 

Kevin Ward is a real estate coach, speaker, and trainer at and #1 Bestselling author of "The Book of YES: The Ultimate Real Estate Agent Conversation Guide."

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Category:general -- posted at: 4:18pm PST

Go to to join me for our FREE weekly webinar.

What is the 10-Day Selling System?

  1. The 10-Day Selling System is a proven and complete marketing & selling system that, when executed correctly, sells houses in 10 days or less (even in a shifting market).
  2. It is a no BS, audacious promise. This is a legit no-bogus promise that actually works. 

The Power of the 10-Day Selling System 

  1. It gets you in a conversation with a prospect or a seller about selling their house for top dollar in 10 days or less.
  2.  It is based on an auction approach to the sale of the house. You price the house, position it, and market it in a way that gets buyers to line up and make multiple offers on it. Emotion will drive them to bid up the price. And it is proven that when people are in multiple offer situations, and a house is fresh and new on the market, it sells for more.

If it doesn’t sell…

Change your guarantee. Say, "Well if you don't feel like I'm doing my job, with your written request, we'll release you from the listing. But I'm telling you right now it may not sell in 10 days." You can remove any incentive (e.g. reduction of commission)

Or you can extend the guarantee 

Say, "Look, based on what you're wanting to do, no problem, we can do it but it's a 30-day guarantee instead of a 10-day guarantee. We'll still use the same system, the 10-Day Selling System because it's proven to work. Okay? And if it doesn't work in 10 days we'll run it again, we'll run it again. We'll keep running it until it works but there's no guarantee in 10 days."

The key is to have a straightforward & honest conversation, and then lead them to a decision that is in their best interest, and get them the best results.

If you want to learn how to actually break through the barrier that’s keeping you from making 6 figures a year, join me for a free live webinar called… More Leads, More Listings, More Life. Register for free HERE

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Learn How To Get More Real Estate Leads, More Listings, More Sales, with Less Resistance 

Kevin Ward is a real estate coach, speaker, and trainer at and #1 Bestselling author of "The Book of YES: The Ultimate Real Estate Agent Conversation Guide."

Category:general -- posted at: 12:40am PST

Go to to join me for our FREE weekly webinar. The next perfect storm in the real estate market is here. These are the 6 ingredients that have created this perfect storm: Soaring Interest Rates. Interest rates have risen dramatically and have decreased the buying power of buyers. Interest rates & demand are high, while inventory is low. Inflation. Consumers are cautious about making purchases. Bearish Stock Market. People’s net worth dropping with the downward trend in the stock market. Supply Chain Shortage. Food shortage is at its worst ever. Contracting Economy. Even as we’re bouncing back from the COVID pandemic, the Gross Domestic Product has surprisingly gone down. This is one key indicator of a recession. Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine. This has created international tension and economic instability. All these factors have made the average consumer scared of making financial decisions such as buying or selling real estate. 4 Strategies To Win in the Perfect Storm Focus on Getting Listings. Focus all your lead generation on getting listings. When you find sellers, you get listings, you own the market. Get Your Pricing Right. Master the skill of pricing properties right because with buyers getting more cautious, overpriced listings will not sell. Build Relationships. Nurture your relationships with the people you know. They’re the ones who trust you enough to give you business. Get a Good Coach. Find a coach that has been through a market downturn before, so he can help you prepare for what’s coming. If you want to get more winning strategies for adding 2-3 more deals every month (no matter what storm comes your way), I’d like to invite you to join me for a FREE live webclass called, More Leads, More Listings, More Life. Get more details HERE: Get more exclusive real estate agent trainings here 👉 Learn How To Get More Real Estate Leads, More Listings, More Sales, with Less Resistance 👉 Kevin Ward is a real estate coach, speaker, and trainer at and #1 Bestselling author of "The Book of YES: The Ultimate Real Estate Agent Conversation Guide."
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Category:general -- posted at: 9:30am PST

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Here are 10 reasons that most agents don't make $100,000 a year (and beyond):

1. Lack of commitment. Not going all-in limits your ability to produce more because it takes time and 100% COMMITMENT to master the skill of representing your clients well. 

2. Fear. Agents’ common fears (rejection, annoying people, and failure) show up as procrastination and creative avoidance. Those things are bound to happen, but don’t let fear stop you.

3. Self-doubt. When you don’t believe in yourself, how can you expect clients to believe that you can do a good job? Get over your self-doubt so you can overcome other people’s doubts about you.

4. Bad advice. Take advice only from the people who already have the results that you want.

5. The D-I-Y (Do-It-Yourself) Approach. Some agents think they can do things on their own, without help from a coach. This eventually costs them time and money.

6. Lack of systems. Without a proven business model, agents end up in a feast or famine cycle. Going from one deal to the next wears them out.

7. Scarcity mindset. The belief that having a lot of money is bad stops agents from wanting to produce more.

8. Business by reaction. Instead of focusing on activities that make you money, you’re constantly responding to everyone asking for your time and attention.

9. Burnout. Most agents get results by hustling, but over time, they get tired & lose heart. Have a big dream that pulls you, so you don’t burn out.

10. B.S. When you don’t follow through on your commitments, you’re full of B.S. Keep the integrity of your word…not only to other people but also to yourself.

If you want to learn how to actually break through the barrier that’s keeping you from making 6 figures a year, join me for a free live webinar called… More Leads, More Listings, More Life. Register for free HERE

Get more exclusive real estate agent trainings here  👉 

Learn How To Get More Real Estate Leads, More Listings, More Sales, with Less Resistance 

Kevin Ward is a real estate coach, speaker, and trainer at and #1 Bestselling author of "The Book of YES: The Ultimate Real Estate Agent Conversation Guide."

Direct download: 254.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:30am PST

Go to to join me for our FREE weekly webinar.

Where are you holding on to a story that is holding you back?

We each have our own story. It’s the reality that you tell yourself about the market, a strategy you’ve learned, or about your capabilities (e.g. “I’m too shy, I’m not good with FSBOs.”). 

But whether or not it is based on facts does not matter. What matters is that you BELIEVE it to be true. Because the moment you accept it to be reality, it becomes a fact to you. This is as powerful as if it was a real story.

If your story is not serving you, it’s time to rewrite it into a story that helps you achieve your goals and dreams.

Get more exclusive real estate agent trainings here  👉 

Learn How To Get More Real Estate Leads, More Listings, More Sales, with Less Resistance 

Kevin Ward is a real estate coach, speaker, and trainer at and #1 Bestselling author of "The Book of YES: The Ultimate Real Estate Agent Conversation Guide."

Direct download: YesTalk-252.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:07am PST

The biggest misconception is that successful people have it easier than everybody else. People think that they’re better and smarter than the rest of us.

But the truth is…

Successful people are the ones who have gone through the biggest struggles in their lives. The difference is that they were willing to embrace and fight the struggle.

Success is always on the other side of all the struggle (not in avoiding it). Whatever you’re struggling with right now…own it and overcome it. 

If you want to really set yourself apart from the sea of unsuccessful agents, then join me for a FREE weekly webclass where you're going to discover the #1 "fast-track system" my coaching members are using to add 2 to 3 more closings a month….

Learn more here >>

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Category:general -- posted at: 11:35am PST

People are in a frenzy over the rising cost of gasoline.

The harsh reality is… if you’re panicking over gasoline prices, that only means that you’re broke. Because rising gasoline prices and other similar situations will persist, whether you like it or not.

If you plan to succeed, focus on growing your income…not on the soaring gas prices. Make enough money that allows you to handle any financial crisis that comes along.

Build a business that lasts and withstands any economic downturn. So you can have the kind of income that lets you live the lifestyle you want.

What matters is what you’re doing in the middle of rising gasoline prices, or any crisis. What are you doing to grow your business & income?

If you want to know how to build a business that will let you have the income you want to have the lifestyle that you deserve, join me for our FREE weekly webinar. Click here for more details:  

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Category:general -- posted at: 11:13am PST

More real estate agents today are making less money than ever before…because high producers are winning the game.

What are the factors that are hurting low producers?

  1. Sellers can get free and/or discount resources online. 
  2. Buyers can get all the information they need online, for free.
  3. Clients demand more. They expect better quality service and are more skeptical about agents.

Here’s why you want to be a heavy hitter:

  1. Clients are willing to pay heavy hitters full commission to get the BEST service & experience.
  2. The best way to stop struggling is to commit to go pro and play at the highest level.
  3. Success breeds success. Happy clients will bring you more future business.

The heavy hitter who cares about his or her clients and is committed to being the BEST at what they do is the one who wins.  If you want to succeed as a real estate agent…Go big or go home!

A real estate agent’s communication skills are the most important key in lead generation and lead conversion. But what do you do when a prospect won’t even talk to you on the phone?

One powerful NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) communication technique you must master is called a downswing. It simply means using a downward tonality at the end of a question. This is powerful because it communicates confidence & certainty in your voice.

Here are 3 ways to use a downswing in your conversations with prospects:

1. Asking their name.
2. Giving your name.  
3. Asking questions.

Your ability to communicate to your prospects with confidence makes them feel confident about hiring you because they know that you can help get them the BEST result.

If you want to dive deeper into NLP and communication techniques that will help you get more YES without the B.S., click here to get your free copy of The Book of YES. It’s loaded with the BEST scripts that will get you more leads, listings, and sales.

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Learn How To Get More Real Estate Leads, More Listings, More Sales, with Less Resistance 👉

Kevin Ward is a real estate coach, speaker, and trainer at and #1 Bestselling author of "The Book of YES: The Ultimate Real Estate Agent Conversation Guide."

Direct download: YesTalk-246_-_Powerful_NLP_Technique.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am PST

Is real estate right for you? How do you know if you’re going to succeed in real estate? 

If you want to win in real estate, there are 3 characteristics that you must have:

RISK. Are you willing to embrace risk & the reality of failure? Be willing to put yourself out there, take risks, and make mistakes. Failure is the path to winning in any field where performance determines whether you win or lose.

RESPONSIBILITY. Take responsibility for your own results. Your coach won’t save you. You create your own journey towards success.

READY TO RISE. Be committed to rise above all the mediocrity that’s keeping you stuck. Dream bigger and grab the enormous opportunities in real estate to make lots of money.

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Learn How To Get More Real Estate Leads, More Listings, More Sales, with Less Resistance 👉

Kevin Ward is a real estate coach, speaker, and trainer at and #1 Bestselling author of "The Book of YES: The Ultimate Real Estate Agent Conversation Guide."

Direct download: YesTalk-247_-_Why_Should_I_Get_Into_Real_Estate.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am PST

Which is the better investment, real estate or cryptocurrency? 

Here are some reasons why real estate reigns over crypto:

Stability. Real estate has a history that cryptocurrency does not have. In terms of investment, cryptocurrency is still brand new and very volatile.

Leverage. You’re able to leverage other people’s money through bank financing on an investment property.

Tax Advantages. Most of the income you create off of cash flow from real estate can be tax-free because the IRS tax code was written to benefit businesses and owners of real estate.

Control Over Your Investment. When you invest in a piece of property, you choose what to do with it and how you can earn income from it. Although the market can impact the value of your investment, you’re not completely at its mercy.

Results are Duplicatable. With proven strategies and systems, you can duplicate your success from one market to another.

Ability to Create Income. You can start from scratch. Unlike with crypto, you don’t have to go in with money in order to make money

The one advantage that crypto has over real estate is liquidity. You can sell whenever you want.

But the great deception about crypto is that it is the new way to get rich. Sure, you can explode your income fast but you’ll have to spend the rest of your life figuring out how to get the same results again.

Truth is…your ability to create wealth is not dependent on the latest technology or the hottest asset. It’s all you.

Get more exclusive real estate agent trainings here 👉

Learn How To Get More Real Estate Leads, More Listings, More Sales, with Less Resistance 👉

Kevin Ward is a real estate coach, speaker, and trainer at and #1 Bestselling author of "The Book of YES: The Ultimate Real Estate Agent Conversation Guide."

Direct download: YesTalk-248_-_Real_Estate_VS_Crypto.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am PST

How do you get better with Scripts?

1. Get Practice
2. Get going
3. Get feedback. (From prospects, role play partners, and your coach).

BUT…the most important and powerful script that you will ever master is the one inside your head.

This is the story of what you say to yourself (e.g. “I hate scripts. Scripts don’t work for me. Or, it’s useless calling FSBOs.”)

No matter how great the script you’re using is, it won’t help you if you hold a negative script in your head. Your internal script or story is what determines your presence & your confidence (or your lack of confidence…and it shows up in those non-verbal cues whenever you’re prospecting.

The key is to change your internal script so you then change your results. Shift your script to, “This person is my next appointment. They’re my next listing. I am the best. I am the best decision they could ever make. They need me.”

What is your internal script? How are you going to change it, so you get better results in your business and in your life?

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Learn How To Get More Real Estate Leads, More Listings, More Sales, with Less Resistance 👉

Kevin Ward is a real estate coach, speaker, and trainer at and #1 Bestselling author of "The Book of YES: The Ultimate Real Estate Agent Conversation Guide."

Direct download: YesTalk-245_-_The_Bes_Real_Estate_Scripts.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:38pm PST

Go to to get more information about Kevin Ward's upcoming 3-Day Agent Mastery Live.

Here are the top 3 mistakes that most real estate agents make with FSBOs.

You think that …

FSBOs don’t need you to sell their house bec you think they can sell it themselves.
FSBOs can do as good a job as you.

The only way for you to win is for the FSBO to lose. You can get the listing only after they try it themselves and fail

4 Steps To Get FSBOs To List With You

A- Approach. Consistently put yourself out there, connect with them, and get them into a conversation with you.
B- Believe. Believe that they need you to get them a better result. If you know exactly what to do, you can sell their home for the most money and faster, with no hassle.
C- Convince. Convince them that you can get them the most money in their pockets, even after commissions (which is what 95% of FSBOs want).
D- Deliver. You have to be able to actually deliver on your promise and get them a better result.

If you want to get more deep-dive training on how you make all this happen, then join us for our live event that’s coming up here in the next few weeks called Agent Mastery Live. Go to to get your ticket before we sell out.

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Learn How To Get More Real Estate Leads, More Listings, More Sales, with Less Resistance 👉

Kevin Ward is a real estate coach, speaker, and trainer at and #1 Bestselling author of "The Book of YES: The Ultimate Real Estate Agent Conversation Guide."

FREE DOWNLOAD: Go to to download the detailed framework of how to transform your life

TRUTH: 80% of new agents are going to be out of the business within 24 months. How do you become the agent who succeeds rather than the agent who struggles to survive?

Change the story that you hold in your mind about success, your self-worth, and your ability to achieve. There are Four Transformers in Life that can help you transform the way you think so that you can transform the way you behave and the results that you get.

The 4 Transformers:

Declarations. Declare your goal with intention, intensity, and enthusiasm (use the first person, present tense, and modifiers). “I easily and abundantly close 5 or more deals a month.”

Visualization. Imagine yourself having already achieved what you want.

Association. Be around people who already have the kind of success & lifestyle that you want.

Action. The moment you take action, everything starts to change.

Get more exclusive real estate agent trainings here 👉

Learn How To Get More Real Estate Leads, More Listings, More Sales, with Less Resistance 👉

Kevin Ward is a real estate coach, speaker, and trainer at and #1 Bestselling author of "The Book of YES: The Ultimate Real Estate Agent Conversation Guide."

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Category:general -- posted at: 2:07pm PST

Go to to get the best core scripts that will give you more leads, listing, and sales.

Here are 3 keys to never having to cut your commission…again:

1. Greater Expertise. Commit to having a level of expertise greater than other real estate agents. People don’t need any more information than what’s already out there. They need an agent that’s going to get them the BEST result.

2. A Better Experience. Give your clients a higher level of service. Treat them like a VIP (e.g., Go beyond just a custom closing gift and give them a pre-listing gift too). You become more valuable to them when you treat them special.

3. Having an “Opportunity Excess“. Generate enough business, so you don’t have to give in to cutting your commission out of fear of losing a listing.

If you want to never cut your commission, it starts with your mindset. Believe in your own value and in the quality of the service that you provide.

Get more exclusive real estate agent trainings here 👉

Learn How To Get More Real Estate Leads, More Listings, More Sales, with Less Resistance

Kevin Ward is a real estate coach, speaker, and trainer at and #1 Bestselling author of "The Book of YES: The Ultimate Real Estate Agent Conversation Guide."

Direct download: YesTalk-242_-_How_to_Never_Cut_Your_Commissions_Again.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:52am PST

Go to to get the best core scripts that will give you more leads, listing, and sales.

What do you do when the listing agent wants to cut your buyer side commission?

1. Get more listings. When you focus on working with sellers, you prevent being in this dilemma because you control the market, the inventory, and your commission.

2. Get into a Buyer Representation Agreement. During the Buyer Consultation, address the issue on commission upfront and then get a Buyer-Broker Agreement signed.

3. Check the MLS for the selling agent commission. Do your research on the published commission rates even before you show the property.

4. Address it with the listing agent before showing. Talk to the listing agent about any issues on commission before showing the property.

5. Add the commission to the offer. If necessary, increase the offer price to cover the commission gap between your standard commission as a buyer’s agent and what the seller is offering.

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Category:general -- posted at: 5:43pm PST

Go to to get the best core scripts that will give you more leads, listing, and sales.

How far are you willing to go to get a 15k or 50k commission check from an Expired?

First, you want to get them interested in having a conversation with you and then get them to take action.*Click here to download your FREE copy of the BEST Expired script (plus other core real estate scripts).


Send them a $400 iPad. Set it in a mode where it automatically plays a video message from you when they turn it on.

For a potential 50k commission check with a million-dollar Expired, you could invest 8k in 20 iPads at $400 each. If you get even just 1 Expired to list with you, you’ll have already made a profit.

Or, you can send them a bottle of wine with an attached personal message.

Doing something special for them gains you credibility & gets you noticed because it’s not what agents typically do.

It also triggers the Law of Reciprocity and makes them feel that they (at the very least) owe you their attention.

More than anything, this tells them that if you’re willing to go to that extent to get their attention, then you’re going to do whatever it takes to get their house sold for top dollar.

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Go to to get the best core scripts that will give you more leads, listing, and sales.

How do you show up in the world?

Whether you realize it or not, you could be wearing a mask. It’s the facade that we want the public to see.

For real estate agents, this could mean using lies and B.S. tactics to get business.

But this eventually works against you because prospects and leads are looking for someone they can trust.

The truth is…our lies leak. They show up in our behavior, choices, and results.

So, if you want great power, simply have the courage to take off the mask and come clean with who you are. Because when you’re honest with yourself, you can be honest with others. And with that authenticity comes immense power.

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Category:general -- posted at: 11:46am PST

Cold calling works, but it’s not the best way to do lead generation. Here are 3 reasons why I don’t recommend cold calling.

1. You’re talking to the WRONG AUDIENCE. 95% of the time, you’re talking to people who are not actively interested in buying or selling a house. They’re an audience that doesn’t trust you, nor want to talk to you. You may be offering the right service…but at the wrong time.

2. It’s the WRONG APPROACH for 2021. Trying to convince somebody before you’ve connected with them is very difficult today, when people are more distrustful and skeptical. Offering a service with no established credibility or trust is hard.

3. It creates the WRONG OUTCOME. The negative experience of constant rejection from cold calling leaves you jaded and not wanting to talk to anyone at all.

Here’s the BEST approach instead. Focus on…

1. TURBO LEADS (FSBOs/Expireds/Probates/Distressed Sellers/NODs) because they’ve already made known that they need or want to sell their home. Take note: Calling Expireds and FSBOs is NOT cold-calling

2. MMA (Mixed Method Approach). This is a combination of marketing & prospecting…using calls, door-knocking, video, text, direct mail, email, online platforms, and social media.

3. Building relationships (existing and new). Connect before trying to convince. Focus on building the relationship and not going after the deal. This breeds trust which is the #1 determiner of someone hiring you.

Get more deep-dive training on these strategies & systems at our live, virtual 3-day event…Agent Mastery Live Presents ‘Double Your Listing Power’. (stay tuned for ticket sale announcements)

And…get your FREE download of the Listing Power Pack here. It’s my BEST core lead generation scripts + bonus training content that will help you master lead generation and lead conversion in today’s markets.

Get more deep-dive training on these strategies & systems at our live, virtual 3-day event…Agent Mastery Live Presents ‘Double Your Listing Power’. (stay tuned for ticket sale announcements)

And…get your FREE download of the Listing Power Pack here. It’s my BEST core lead generation scripts + bonus training content that will help you master lead generation and lead conversion in today’s markets. 

Get more exclusive real estate agent trainings here 👉

Learn How To Get More Real Estate Leads, More Listings, More Sales, with Less Resistance

Kevin Ward is a real estate coach, speaker, and trainer at and #1 Bestselling author of "The Book of YES: The Ultimate Real Estate Agent Conversation Guide."

Go to to get the best core scripts that will give you more leads, listing, and sales.

With the threat of Zillow dominating real estate... how do you beat Zillow?

Here are 3 key strategies to winning vs. Zillow:

1. Relationships. Give your clients the kind of Personalized Service that they will never get from a big corporation like Zillow. If you keep building Top-Of-Mind Awareness (TOMA), trust, and loyalty with your Personal Circle, they will choose you over Zillow.

2. Fiduciary: You represent the seller’s best interest, while Zillow represents Zillow and will use Bait & Switch tactics to get the seller.

3. Guarantee of Expertise: With your 10-day selling system, you can sell their house for above market value vs. Zillow’s fair-market offer. At the same time that you launch your 10-day selling system, have the seller get Zillow’s best offer. If Zillow can beat your best offer, the seller can accept it and they owe you nothing.

Four out of 5 times, you win and the client wins every time. And every time you beat Zillow, you can leverage that in your marketing to get future clients.

If you want to master the full system for mastering listings & beating Zillow, come join me for 3 days of live intensive virtual training at Agent Mastery Live 2021: Double Your Listing Power. Go to to learn more.

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Learn How To Get More Real Estate Leads, More Listings, More Sales, with Less Resistance

Kevin Ward is a real estate coach, speaker, and trainer at and #1 Bestselling author of "The Book of YES: The Ultimate Real Estate Agent Conversation Guide."

Direct download: YesTalk-237_-_Zillow_is_Coming_For_Your_Real_Estate_License.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:08pm PST

How do you handle the “I’ll sell my home when the values go up!” Objection?
As with any objection, the first step is to REPEAT & AFFIRM their objection. “That would be smart!  Tell me more about what you’re thinking… Good for you…” 

Here are 3 steps to dealing with this objection:


Ask questions to understand their motivation and identify what would make them want to sell.
“What value are you looking for?  Is there a value…and how will you know when it’s time to sell?
“When you do sell…where are you going? Why do you want to sell?  And why do you want to wait? 


Get the truth on why they may or may not want to move right now.
“If you felt NOW was the best time to get the most money, would you move now…or still wait?”  


Help them understand the current and forthcoming market conditions, so they can make a more informed decision that’s in their best interest.
Your job is to connect with them, not to convince them to do something against their will. Look to build this relationship and become their go-to agent. Because that is when they are ready to sell, you get the call. 

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Learn How To Get More Real Estate Leads, More Listings, More Sales, with Less Resistance

Kevin Ward is a real estate coach, speaker, and trainer at and #1 Bestselling author of "The Book of YES: The Ultimate Real Estate Agent Conversation Guide."

Direct download: YesTalk-236_-_OBJECTION_-_Im_Waiting_For_My_Homes_Value_to_Go_Up.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:45am PST

How do you guarantee that 2021 is going to be better than last year?

1. Stop blaming 2020. Stop blaming negative circumstances on something outside of your control (whether it’s a year, time, place, or person). The moment you blame, you just gave away all your power. 

2. Take responsibility for your own results. If you can’t find the circumstances you want, create them.

Always think about what you CAN do, not what you can’t do. Whatever needs to happen in your life…YOU can make it happen!

Get more exclusive real estate agent trainings here 👉

Learn How To Get More Real Estate Leads, More Listings, More Sales, with Less Resistance

Kevin Ward is a real estate coach, speaker, and trainer at and #1 Bestselling author of "The Book of YES: The Ultimate Real Estate Agent Conversation Guide."

Direct download: YesTalk-235_-_How_To_Make_2021_Better_Than_2020.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:30am PST

Just as an alchemist has the legendary ability to turn one metal into another, so can you transform your own life. You have the ability to change yourself and your fortune.

Here are some lessons on the Alchemy of Greatness:

  • Training is how you transform your body and your life. You push yourself and do the work that most people are not willing to do. There is no easy way, but YOU have the ability to do it…because YOU are the Alchemist!
  • The goal is not to get rid of the negative things in your life, but to TRANSFORM them into a positive. Take the negative circumstances and you plug it into positive action, to positive belief, to positive training. 
  • You transform your life by taking charge of it. Take advantage of the tons of training and opportunities that are out there to help you change your income, health, relationships, your thinking, and all other aspects of your life. 
  • Transformation comes with death. Your old self, limiting beliefs, and your small thinking must die. They have to be replaced by someone who dreams bigger & knows what is possible.

Get more exclusive real estate agent trainings here 👉

Learn How To Get More Real Estate Leads, More Listings, More Sales, with Less Resistance

Kevin Ward is a real estate coach, speaker, and trainer at and #1 Bestselling author of "The Book of YES: The Ultimate Real Estate Agent Conversation Guide."

Direct download: YesTalk-234_-_The_Alchemy_of_Greatness.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:49am PST

What’s going to happen in the 2021 housing market? Direct and indirect factors will come into play…


1. Home prices. Prices are high. We’re in a housing bubble, but we don’t know when it will burst.

2. Interest Rates. Buying power has gone up with low interest rates.

3. Income

4. Inventory. Prices continue to rise because demand is higher than supply. 



  1. Employment. The real economy is based on people’s actual wages.
  2. Emotions. Buyers want to buy, while sellers are more cautious  
  3. Inflation/Deflation/Stagflation. The dollar is worth less as the Feds continue to print Fiat money. 
  4. Intervention from the Feds and the government through the following:
      1. Lockdowns. This slows down the economy.
      2. Keeping interest rates low.
      3. Pumping money into the markets & economy.
      4. Forbearance and eviction moratoriums. This suppresses the inventory.
  5. Migration. More people are moving to the suburbs.

My short-term prediction for real estate in 2021 is people are going to keep moving at a limited number. There’s still going to be very low supply.

In the long-term…emotions will run high when forbearance ends & unemployment continues, supply will go up as people decide to sell, and government stimulus will have less impact.

The future of real estate is not what matters.  What matters is YOU. Be prepared & productive, equipped & effective. Because THE BEST don’t wait to see what’s going to happen.  They find the opportunity and win in any market.

Direct download: YesTalk-233_-_2021_Real_Estate_Market_Forecast.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:10am PST

Go to to get a FREE copy of the complete Objection Handler for the “Will You Cut Your Commission?” Objection

Go to to register for Kevin's upcoming 3-Day Agent Mastery Live 2021.

When sellers ask, “Will you cut your commission?”… most agents are taught to say, “No!”

But “No” is the dumbest objection handler ever…because..

It creates Opposition rather than Collaboration with the seller.
It puts your interest in protecting your commission over their interest which is getting the best deal for their house.
It communicates rejection, not value.
The better way is to redirect their focus from your commission to what they want (getting the best deal for their house).

Here’s how:

1. Acknowledge their desire. “Hey, that’s a great question and I appreciate you asking.”

2. Answer their question or concern. “I really appreciate you asking…I don’t do that, can I explain why?”

If you want a FREE copy of the complete Objection Handler for the “Will You Cut Your Commission?” Objection, click here to download it for free:

Get more exclusive real estate agent trainings here 👉

Learn How To Get More Real Estate Leads, More Listings, More Sales, with Less Resistance

Kevin Ward is a real estate coach, speaker, and trainer at and #1 Bestselling author of "The Book of YES: The Ultimate Real Estate Agent Conversation Guide."

Direct download: YesTalk-232_-_The_Dumbest_Objection_Handler.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:53pm PST

Go to to register for Kevin's upcoming 3-Day Agent Mastery Live 2021.

What do you do when a buyer asks you to give them a part of your commission?

Here are 3 stupid answers you DON’T want to say…

1. “No.” This ends the conversation but it also ends the relationship because it puts them on the defensive. Watch this video on Why “No” is the Dumbest Objection Handler Ever, and what to say instead:
2. “I can’t.” It doesn’t make them want to work with you more...and tells them that you’re not an agent who has power and authority.
3. Sarcasm. (e.g. “Which room in your house do I get?”) It’s cheesy and doesn’t get to the point.

Here’s an excerpt of the BEST answer (because it respects them and their question, focuses on their benefit, and increases your value as the agent that can get them the best result)

“That’s a great question. My commission isn’t part of the negotiation. Can I explain why?
Because...unlike many unskilled agents, my value is in getting you a better deal on the home you choose…” (for the complete script to use, watch the full video)

Get more in-depth training on how to handle objections in a way that makes people want to work with you at Agent Mastery Live Virtual 2021. Learn more here

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Learn How To Get More Real Estate Leads, More Listings, More Sales, with Less Resistance

Kevin Ward is a real estate coach, speaker, and trainer at and #1 Bestselling author of "The Book of YES: The Ultimate Real Estate Agent Conversation Guide."

Direct download: YesTalk-231_-_Buyer_Wants_Your_Commission.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:37pm PST

I was recently interviewed by Kimberly Houk from Prospecting Today, where we discussed how to overcome the challenges of prospecting and the best scripts that work today especially with FSBOs and Expireds. Check it out and learn new strategies for getting tough prospects to listen to (and hire) you.

Also check out and their YouTube Channel:

Go to to get on the waitlist for Kevin's upcoming 3-Day Agent Mastery Live 2021.

Go to to get your free download of the Agent Power Pack! It's the BEST scripts that will get you more leads, listings, and sales.

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Learn How To Get More Real Estate Leads, More Listings, More Sales, with Less Resistance

Kevin Ward is a real estate coach, speaker, and trainer at and #1 Bestselling author of "The Book of YES: The Ultimate Real Estate Agent Conversation Guide."

Direct download: YesTalk-230_-_Prospecting_Today.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:57pm PST

How do you dramatically increase your prospecting results fast? 

First, have the BEST scripts (and master them). Click here to get your FREE download of my best core prospecting and lead generation scripts.

Make prospecting a game. Here’s how

  1. Pick fun Role Play partners.
  2. Role play the game.
  3. Play with prospects.  

Think to yourself: “I’m enjoying myself and you can’t mess that up. If you’re mad or antagonistic, that’s your problem, not mine.  I’m here to help you…and if you don’t want to dance with me…my goal is to win you over…and if I can’t, it’s your loss, not mine.”

Great performers get more excited by the challenge of a tough opponent.  They have more fun, not less. Approach it as a game…not a chore.  You’ll end up tired but thrilled that you won.

Skill, the BEST scripts, and your attitude will determine your results when prospecting.

Get more exclusive real estate agent trainings here 👉

Learn How To Get More Real Estate Leads, More Listings, More Sales, with Less Resistance

Kevin Ward is a real estate coach, speaker, and trainer at and #1 Bestselling author of "The Book of YES: The Ultimate Real Estate Agent Conversation Guide."

What you do now (regardless of the future of the market) will determine your success going into 2021…

If you want to have a great start in 2021, here are the FACTS you have to remember:

  1. In terms of your business, 2021 has already started because every lead you get now will pay you in 2021. The actions that you take now will determine your momentum going into the new year.
  2. December is the BEST time to get business because you have the most motivated leads and the least competition. Sellers (and buyers) are ready to buy/sell because they need to move now, and you get less competition because most agents aren’t working during the holidays.
  3. This is the perfect time to reconnect with your Personal Circle (your sphere of influence). You don’t have to ask them for business. Just reach out to them and wish them, “Happy Holidays”.

The future of the market is not as important as your future. Make 2021 great by taking action NOW.

If you’re committed to making 2021 your best year ever…join me for 3 days of intense training at Agent Mastery Live Virtual 2021: Winning “The Year After”. You’ll learn how to systematically DESIGN your business, strategically INCREASE your income, and successfully CREATE the life you want.  Sign up for the waitlist here:


Get more exclusive real estate agent trainings here 👉

Learn How To Get More Real Estate Leads, More Listings, More Sales, with Less Resistance

Kevin Ward is a real estate coach, speaker, and trainer at and #1 Bestselling author of "The Book of YES: The Ultimate Real Estate Agent Conversation Guide."

Direct download: YesTalk-228_-_Real_Estate_2021-_How_to_Get_More_Listings.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:22pm PST

Go to to get the best core scripts that will give you more leads, listing, and sales.

Here are 7 strategies to make your presentation extremely powerful

1. Master the in-person listing presentation. Master the script, don’t read it. Get your FREE download of the YesMasters Listing presentation from the Agent Power Pack here . Role play on Zoom and record yourself, so you can replay it and learn.

2. Zoom in your camera. Face the camera at eye-level, leaving just a bit of space between the top of your head and the top of the screen. Have a good webcam and good lighting in front of you. Check out this Diva Ring Light:

3. Smile and nod more than ever. These are visual cues that make people trust & like you because they see that you’re interested.

4. Have a powerful voice & good audio. Be articulate and don’t talk fast, so they understand you. Get a quality mic like the Yeti Blue mic (

5. Eye contact. Look directly at the camera (not at the computer screen), so you’re looking them in the eye.

6. Engage them with questions. The listing presentation that you’ll get in the FREE Agent Power Pack is a question-based presentation that engages them. It becomes a real conversation where they’re engaged and feel that you care about them.

7. Expect a decision on the Zoom. Be mentally prepared that they will decide on the call. Have the e-docs ready for them to sign (Docusign in their inbox).

Get more exclusive real estate agent trainings here 👉

Learn How To Get More Real Estate Leads, More Listings, More Sales, with Less Resistance

Kevin Ward is a real estate coach, speaker, and trainer at and #1 Bestselling author of "The Book of YES: The Ultimate Real Estate Agent Conversation Guide."

Direct download: YesTalk-227_-_How_to_do_a_powerful_listing_presentation_on_zoom.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:11am PST

Go to to get the best core scripts that will give you more leads, listing, and sales.

What do you do when a FSBO is way off the mark with what he would take for his property?

The FSBO is off on price because nobody has helped them understand what the right price is.

And if you decide to not talk to them because they’re unrealistic about price, when the time comes that they’re ready to move…you’ll miss the chance to be the agent that helps them.

It doesn’t matter how unrealistic they are about the price. What matters is their MOTIVATION.

Use the initial FSBO text message script to get them on the phone, so you can follow up with the FSBO script and identify their motivation.

…because that’s the one moving part when it comes to winning with FSBOs.

Get your of the Agent Power Pack that includes the 2020 edition of the FSBO Script and the FSBO Text Message Script.

Also, don’t forget to join the YesMasters Facebook Real Estate Success Community if you want to learn how to get more YES without the B.S.

Get more exclusive real estate agent trainings here 👉

Learn How To Get More Real Estate Leads, More Listings, More Sales, with Less Resistance

Kevin Ward is a real estate coach, speaker, and trainer at and #1 Bestselling author of "The Book of YES: The Ultimate Real Estate Agent Conversation Guide."

Direct download: YesTalk-226_-_How_to_Blow_It_With_A_Perfect_FSBO_Text_Script.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:15am PST

A scarcity mindset is costing you hassle, pain, and actual money.

Here are lessons I’ve learned about how “saving” money on something will cost you in the end.

  1. Choices have consequences. The decisions you make on everything (and not just the things you buy) will have consequences on your life. For instance, when you choose to neglect your health now, and then something that you’re not prepared for happens to you, it will affect the quality of your life. 
  2. “When you invest in the best, you only suffer once.” -Zig Ziglar. You’ll be saving yourself more money and pain if you spend a little more on something that lasts, than have to pay more for repairs in the future. 
  3. Start focusing on having more money and stop focusing on “saving” money. Because you don’t “save” money by buying cheap. Raise your income…that’s how you save time and money. 

Decide to make enough money to afford the things you want and to be able to help more people. When you shift from a scarcity mindset to an abundance mindset. It will change your life.

Get more exclusive real estate agent trainings here👉

Learn How To Get More Real Estate Leads, More Listings, More Sales, with Less Resistance

Kevin Ward is a real estate coach, speaker, and trainer at and #1 Bestselling author of "The Book of YES: The Ultimate Real Estate Agent Conversation Guide."

If this episode helps you, please LIKE, COMMENT & SHARE. Hit SUBSCRIBE to get notices of new episode! Go to For more killer training videos for REALTORS who want more Yes's and more Successes in their business and in their life! From Kevin Ward, international real estate trainer, speaker, and coach.

Direct download: YesTalk-225_-_How_Scarcity_Mindset_is_Costing_You.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:18pm PST

How do you beat procrastination, stay focused, and get more done?

Here are 3 ways that other people can help you become more productive:

  1. Get an accountability partner. This is the lowest level of accountability though, because having somebody else hold you accountable can work only in the short term. This kind of accountability slows down change for you because it’s an external force that pushes you to action. It means you’re not ready to take responsibility for your own business and success. Having a coach hold you accountable will only work for a short period of time…until YOU create your own habits of productivity. 
  2. Change the level of your association. Hang out with top producers and learn from them. Position yourself to develop a relationship with them. When you commit to earning the right to be their friend, this forces you to perform at a higher level.
  3. Have a big dream. Want something so bad that it fuels you to do whatever it takes to have it. This burning desire is the most powerful thing that will give you the internal accountability to keep you focused and productive.

Get more exclusive real estate agent trainings here👉

Learn How To Get More Real Estate Leads, More Listings, More Sales, with Less Resistance

Kevin Ward is a real estate coach, speaker, and trainer at and #1 Bestselling author of "The Book of YES: The Ultimate Real Estate Agent Conversation Guide."

If this episode helps you, please LIKE, COMMENT & SHARE. Hit SUBSCRIBE to get notices of new episode! Go to For more killer training videos for REALTORS who want more Yes's and more Successes in their business and in their life! From Kevin Ward, international real estate trainer, speaker, and coach.

Direct download: YesTalk-224_-_How_to_Beat_Procrastination.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:52am PST

Winning in real estate is all about finding motivated sellers and inspiring them to hire you. 

In 2021, the big opportunity will be homeowners coming out of forbearance. 

But RIGHT NOW, here are the TOP 5 OPPORTUNITIES (motivated sellers)  for realtors:

5. Non-owner occupied homes. Ask your title rep for software (e.g.,  to help you get information on the following:: 

  • Vacation Homes. 2nd & 3rd homes.
  • Vacation Rentals (AirBnB’s)
  • Investors who own rental property. They bought low, will now sell high.
  • Vacant properties. 

4. Personal Circle. These are people you already know, like, and trust you. Ask them who they know is looking to buy or sell real estate.

3. Motivated FSBOs. They need the best agent that can get them the best result because they realize how hard it is now to deal with buyers.

2. Motivated Expired Listings

1. Downsizers (including Luxury homes)

To help you, I’m giving you the Agent Power Pack for FREE. It’s your complete agent success toolkit that has our best core scripts & training material that have made agents 6 and 7-figure incomes. Download it here for free.

Get more exclusive real estate agent trainings here👉

Learn How To Get More Real Estate Leads, More Listings, More Sales, with Less Resistance

Kevin Ward is a real estate coach, speaker, and trainer at and #1 Bestselling author of "The Book of YES: The Ultimate Real Estate Agent Conversation Guide."

If this episode helps you, please LIKE, COMMENT & SHARE. Hit SUBSCRIBE to get notices of new episode! Go to For more killer training videos for REALTORS who want more Yes's and more Successes in their business and in their life! From Kevin Ward, international real estate trainer, speaker, and coach.

Direct download: YesTalk-223_-_Top_5_Opportunities_for_Realtors_Today.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:12am PST

For Kevin's video on How to Keep Up with Market Changes and become the market stats click here:

You can also get a FREE MARKET TRACKER DOWNLOAD on that video.

With all the uncertainty in the real estate market, how do you give buyers and sellers advice on what to do?

Here are three keys to giving buyers and sellers good advice:

1. Identify their motivation. Figure out if they want to move and their reasons behind it.
2. Serve their best interest. It’s not your job to talk them out of what they want. It’s about the client...not you.
3. Be a problem solver. Educate them on their options. Lay out the pros and cons and help them decide based on what THEY want. Click here to watch my video on How to Keep Up with Market Changes and become the expert on market statistics You can also download a FREE MARKET TRACKER on that video.

Your position as an agent is to act on your client’s behalf. They have to know that you’re a competent professional who can guide them in making a decision that’s in their best interest.

Get more exclusive real estate agent trainings here👉

Learn How To Get More Real Estate Leads, More Listings, More Sales, with Less Resistance

Kevin Ward is a real estate coach, speaker, and trainer at and #1 Bestselling author of "The Book of YES: The Ultimate Real Estate Agent Conversation Guide."

If this episode helps you, please LIKE, COMMENT & SHARE. Hit SUBSCRIBE to get notices of new episode! Go to For more killer training videos for REALTORS who want more Yes's and more Successes in their business and in their life! From Kevin Ward, international real estate trainer, speaker, and coach.

What do seven-figure agents do differently than the average agent?
There are three secret ingredients to their success:

  1. Systems. They have Lead Generation, Lead Follow up, and Transaction Systems that allow them to delegate repeatable jobs so they can focus on more money making tasks. They profit the most from Client Relationship Systems because this gets them repeat referral business.
  2. Skills. They all have great communication skills. They know how to make people feel confident that they can help them and lead them to a decision in their best interest.
  3. Self-image. They believe in themselves, and it shows up in their negotiation, objection handling, lead generation, and everything they do.

If you want to master these three ingredients, join me at Agent Mastery Live Virtual 2021. I’ll help you develop those critical money-making skills and give you systems and strategies to grow your business fast. Click here to get on the waitlist.

Get more exclusive real estate agent trainings here👉

Learn How To Get More Real Estate Leads, More Listings, More Sales, with Less Resistance

Kevin Ward is a real estate coach, speaker, and trainer at and #1 Bestselling author of "The Book of YES: The Ultimate Real Estate Agent Conversation Guide."

If this episode helps you, please LIKE, COMMENT & SHARE. Hit SUBSCRIBE to get notices of new episode! Go to For more killer training videos for REALTORS who want more Yes's and more Successes in their business and in their life! From Kevin Ward, international real estate trainer, speaker, and coach.

Direct download: YesTalk-221_-_3_Things_7_Figure_Agents_Do_That_Others_Dont.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:17am PST

The secret to winning in the 4th quarter is internal. These 5 Mantras of Success will give you the right mindset in approaching your business every day.

The Five Mantras of Success.

  1. DREAM BIGGER. Think big goals. Focus on the opportunities around you. Play bigger and go get your dream.
  2. MOVE FASTER. Move and take advantage of opportunities. Take action fast because action creates momentum and learning. Approach the day with a sense of urgency.
  3. GET TOUGHER. Don’t take things personally. Face fear, failure, and disappointment and keep going. Get back up when things don’t go your way..
  4. PUSH HARDER. Stretch yourself by doing more. Push others by giving them that extra nudge. Be persistent with other people by asking past clients for business (Be positive, not annoying).
  5. DO MORE. Accomplish more without working more hours. Focus on being productive.

Get your FREE download of The Five Mantras of Success here: 👉

Get more exclusive real estate agent trainings here👉

Learn How To Get More Real Estate Leads, More Listings, More Sales, with Less Resistance

Kevin Ward is a real estate coach, speaker, and trainer at and #1 Bestselling author of "The Book of YES: The Ultimate Real Estate Agent Conversation Guide."

If this episode helps you, please LIKE, COMMENT & SHARE. Hit SUBSCRIBE to get notices of new episode! Go to For more killer training videos for REALTORS who want more Yes's and more Successes in their business and in their life! From Kevin Ward, international real estate trainer, speaker, and coach.

Direct download: YesTalk-220_-_How_to_Have_A_Great_4th_Quarter.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:17am PST

Confused about what’s really going on in the real estate market? Wondering if the housing market is going to crash?

Get most of your questions answered in this 15-minute video compilation of my best strategies and insight into the real estate market situation.

These are the BEST no-B.S. market updates and strategies you’ll ever get. Click on these links to watch the full videos of the clips in the video compilation. – HOW TO GET READY FOR THE REAL ESTATE MARKET CRASH IF YOU WANT TO GET RICH – HOUSING MARKET UPDATE: WHERE’S THE TSUNAMI? – HOUSING MARKET FORECAST 2020: FACTORS & DOES IT MATTER – HOUSING FORECAST 2020 TIME TO SELL? BUY?

Get more exclusive real estate agent trainings here 👉

Learn How To Get More Real Estate Leads, More Listings, More Sales, with Less Resistance

Kevin Ward is a real estate coach, speaker, and trainer at and #1 Bestselling author of "The Book of YES: The Ultimate Real Estate Agent Conversation Guide."

If this episode helps you, please LIKE, COMMENT & SHARE. Hit SUBSCRIBE to get notices of new episode! Go to For more killer training videos for REALTORS who want more Yes's and more Successes in their business and in their life! From Kevin Ward, international real estate trainer, speaker, and coach.


We’ve all been hit with coronavirus anxiety. How do you take care of your mental health during Covid-19?

Here are 5 things you can do to stay happy in the middle of the pandemic:

  1. Choose not to participate. Abide by Covid safety protocols but decide not to be a victim of fear and paranoia.
  2. Eliminate negativity. Inform yourself about what’s important, but select the kind of news you’re taking in. Insulate yourself from negative people.
  3. Hang out with positive people. Have physically-distanced, mini get-togethers with 2 or 3 friends. If you can’t hang out physically, do it on Zoom.
  4. Focus. Focus on your dreams. Think about what you can do to achieve your goals. Keep moving forward.
  5. Have a powerful morning ritual. This is what lights the fire for the day and keeps you going.
  • Exercise. Break up a sweat for 20 mins. It releases good hormones and energy.
  • Journaling. Write down 5 things you’re grateful for. Write how you’re feeling, good or bad. At the end of the day, write down your wins for the day.
  • Meditation. Take some time to calm your mind. Use a mobile app to guide you.
  • Daily declarations. Declare to the world the realities that you want to create in your life.

Get more exclusive real estate agent trainings here 👉

Learn How To Get More Real Estate Leads, More Listings, More Sales, with Less Resistance

Kevin Ward is a real estate coach, speaker, and trainer at and #1 Bestselling author of "The Book of YES: The Ultimate Real Estate Agent Conversation Guide."

If this episode helps you, please LIKE, COMMENT & SHARE. Hit SUBSCRIBE to get notices of new episode! Go to For more killer training videos for REALTORS who want more Yes's and more Successes in their business and in their life! From Kevin Ward, international real estate trainer, speaker, and coach.

Direct download: YesTalk-218_-_How_to_Avoid_Depression__Stay_Happy_in_the_Time_of_Covid.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:00am PST

How do you get ready for the real estate market crash if you want to get rich?

  1. Educate. Get information from a mentor, podcasts on real estate investing, and books (recommendations below).
  2. Associate. Connect with seasoned real estate investors. Join a local real estate investing Meetup group. The relationships you build will fast track your success.
  3. Collaborate. Collaborate with other investors and your clients. As you learn about real estate investing, you can also teach them about it. Partner with them on deals, or you can get paid in commissions when they buy properties. We’ll dive deep into strategies for doing this on our next live virtual event, Agent Mastery Live 2021. Click here to secure your ticket.
  4. Wait. Get ready to buy when the opportunities come, but be cautious before buying. Educate yourself, pick your markets, and stash cash.

Videos on Kevin’s Prediction of Real Estate Market Crash:

Kevin’s Recommended Real Estate Investor Books:
The Millionaire Real Estate Investor –
FLIP (by Rick Villani & Clay Davis) –
HOLD (by Steve Chader and others) –
The ABCs of Real Estate Investing, McElroy –
The Advanced Guide to RE Investing, McElroy –
Rich Dad, Poor Dad, Kiyosaki –

Get more exclusive real estate agent trainings here 👉

Learn How To Get More Real Estate Leads, More Listings, More Sales, with Less Resistance

Kevin Ward is a real estate coach, speaker, and trainer at and #1 Bestselling author of "The Book of YES: The Ultimate Real Estate Agent Conversation Guide."

If this episode helps you, please LIKE, COMMENT & SHARE. Hit SUBSCRIBE to get notices of new episode! Go to For more killer training videos for REALTORS who want more Yes's and more Successes in their business and in their life! From Kevin Ward, international real estate trainer, speaker, and coach.

How do you price a home right?

Do a good CMA. Get started with this FREE CMA Cheat Sheet. Click here to download. Don’t trust Zestimates on Zillow because they’re inaccurate.

But what do you do when there are no good comps?

1) Ask an experienced top listing agent who has sold a lot of homes in that neighborhood to help you.

2) Get help from a knowledgeable appraiser.
– Ask your lender to connect you to an appraiser.
– Call the appraiser. Explain your situation.
– Send a “thank you” note and gift to both lender and appraiser.

It’s so important to get the best information to get a property priced right. This is your responsibility to your seller. If you want to get more in-depth training on how to accurately price properties so you get all your listings sold, click here to check out our CMA Mastery Course.

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Learn How To Get More Real Estate Leads, More Listings, More Sales, with Less Resistance

Kevin Ward is a real estate coach, speaker, and trainer at and #1 Bestselling author of "The Book of YES: The Ultimate Real Estate Agent Conversation Guide."

If this episode helps you, please LIKE, COMMENT & SHARE. Hit SUBSCRIBE to get notices of new episode! Go to For more killer training videos for REALTORS who want more Yes's and more Successes in their business and in their life! From Kevin Ward, international real estate trainer, speaker, and coach.

Direct download: YesTalk-216_-_PRICING_HOMES-_How_to_Get_The_Right_Price.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:00am PST

Real estate is one of the greatest career paths in the world (if you have what it takes!). Here’s a quick 5-point test to see if you should become a real estate agent.

Do not become a realtor if you are…

1. Lazy.
2. Impatient. If you think you’ll make a 6-figure income overnight.
3. A DIY-er. (Do-It-Yourself-er) If you’d rather figure it out on your own.
4. A Quitter. If you give up easily and just want to “try” it out.
5. Not driven. If you need somebody else to hold you accountable.

A real estate career is for you if you’re willing to work hard and get training & coaching from someone who already has the success that you want. And if you have a big dream, that will pull you through whatever failure comes your way.

If you’re committed and ready to train on how to make money as an agent, sign up for Agent Power Launch. It’s our online training course for new agents to help you make 6 figures in your first year. Go to to learn more

Are you a new agent? How’s your journey going? Let me know in the comments below.

Get more exclusive real estate agent trainings here 👉

Learn How To Get More Real Estate Leads, More Listings, More Sales, with Less Resistance

Kevin Ward is a real estate coach, speaker, and trainer at and #1 Bestselling author of "The Book of YES: The Ultimate Real Estate Agent Conversation Guide."

If this episode helps you, please LIKE, COMMENT & SHARE. Hit SUBSCRIBE to get notices of new episode! Go to For more killer training videos for REALTORS who want more Yes's and more Successes in their business and in their life! From Kevin Ward, international real estate trainer, speaker, and coach.

Direct download: YesTalk-215_-_Don.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:49am PST

What’s happening to the real estate market?

Everything feels calm now but the real estate tsunami is still coming. And by the time it hits, it’s going to be too late to prepare.

How do you prepare for what is coming?

  1. Pay attention to your market. Study market statistics, people’s moving patterns, etc. Watch my previous blog about this
  2. Pay attention to the real economy. This is not the stock market. It’s about income, consumer confidence, and debt. These impact the cost of living.
  3. Get your mind, money, and market strategy ready.
    a. Keep your head in the game even when other people are panicking. Crisis always creates opportunity for those who are prepared.
    b. Be prepared with your money. Sell houses, make money and keep money so you’re financially secure.
    c. Work only with highly motivated clients and price your listings right.

If you want to get the best training on what’s happening (and what will happen) in the market, join me for 3 days of live virtual, interactive training at Agent Mastery Live Virtual 2020. Click here for more details.

Get more exclusive real estate agent trainings here 👉

Learn How To Get More Real Estate Leads, More Listings, More Sales, with Less Resistance

Kevin Ward is a real estate coach, speaker, and trainer at and #1 Bestselling author of "The Book of YES: The Ultimate Real Estate Agent Conversation Guide."

If this episode helps you, please LIKE, COMMENT & SHARE. Hit SUBSCRIBE to get notices of new episode! Go to For more killer training videos for REALTORS who want more Yes's and more Successes in their business and in their life! From Kevin Ward, international real estate trainer, speaker, and coach.

Direct download: YesTalk-214_-_Housing_Market_Update_-_Wheres_The_Tsunami.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:58am PST

Real estate commissions are 100% negotiable. The usual full service commission is 5-6%. A discount commission is 3-4.5%.

A Flat fee brokerage charges a set fee (a percentage of the sales price) instead of a commission. This is paid upfront whereas full service commissions are paid out of escrow at closing.

Commissions are typically split between the listing broker(seller’s side) and the selling broker (buyer’s side). The broker owns all commissions because he owns the listing. The broker pays the agent his cut of the commission (usually a 70-30 split between broker & agent).

When the listing broker puts a listing on the MLS and offers a cooperative offer of commission, it’s traditionally a 50-50 split between the listing side (3%) and the selling side (3%).

Only licensed agents and brokers can get paid in a transaction.

How are referral fees paid? A 30% referral fee (taken out of the listing side of the commission) goes to the referring broker.

Real estate commissions are worth it because clients are paying for the value of the service that a skilled agent delivers. When a skilled agent nets his client the most money, this more than covers his commission.

Get more exclusive real estate agent trainings here 👉

Learn How To Get More Real Estate Leads, More Listings, More Sales, with Less Resistance

Kevin Ward is a real estate coach, speaker, and trainer at and #1 Bestselling author of "The Book of YES: The Ultimate Real Estate Agent Conversation Guide."

If this episode helps you, please LIKE, COMMENT & SHARE. Hit SUBSCRIBE to get notices of new episode! Go to For more killer training videos for REALTORS who want more Yes's and more Successes in their business and in their life! From Kevin Ward, international real estate trainer, speaker, and coach.

Direct download: YesTalk-213_-_How_Real_Estate_Agents_Commisions_Work.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:57am PST

How do you stay up to date with the market as a real estate agent?

To become a real estate market expert, you need to update and keep track of these 12 weekly statistics.

  1. New Listings.
  2. Active Listings
  3. New Pendings
  4. Expired and Cancelled Listings
  5. Off-Market and Withdrawn Listings
  6. Closings
  7. Average days on the market
  8. Average list price
  9. Average sale price
  10. List price to sale price ratio
  11. Price reductions
  12. How many weeks of inventory

Doing this weekly (and consistently!) allows you to see the trends faster and helps you stay on top of what’s happening in your entire market metro area.

When you understand what’s happening in the market, you can best guide your prospects or clients in making decisions. Because you’re a real estate market expert, they will want to work with you.

You can download the free weekly tracker spreadsheet here

If you want more advanced training on this, join me for our upcoming 3-day live virtual event Agent Mastery Live Virtual 2020. Get your early bird ticket here

Get more exclusive real estate agent trainings here 👉

Learn How To Get More Real Estate Leads, More Listings, More Sales, with Less Resistance

Kevin Ward is a real estate coach, speaker, and trainer at and #1 Bestselling author of "The Book of YES: The Ultimate Real Estate Agent Conversation Guide."

If this episode helps you, please LIKE, COMMENT & SHARE. Hit SUBSCRIBE to get notices of new episode! Go to For more killer training videos for REALTORS who want more Yes's and more Successes in their business and in their life! From Kevin Ward, international real estate trainer, speaker, and coach.

Direct download: YesTalk-212_-_How_to_Keep_Up_with_the_Market_Changes.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:34am PST

How do you survive the current crisis? You have to take care of these Seven Domains of Life:

  1. Feelings. Deal your emotions. Do declarations, associate with people who are thriving in the crisis, and feed your brain with good thoughts. Talk to someone who can help you.
  2. Friends & Family. Nurture your relationships. Be more patient with everybody else who’s going through emotional stress like you. Let them know that you care.
  3. Finances. Look for money-making opportunities.
  4. Faith. Stay true to your faith and what you believe.
  5. Focus. Refocus on your goals.
  6. Fun. Figure out ways to do fun things with your family and take time out to have fun.
  7. Fitness. Find a fun workout to do.

All these 7 domains matter and affect each other. If you want to survive the crisis, you have to pay attention to all these areas of your life because they serve your emotions, well-being, and productivity. Watch out for areas of your life that you need to improve and make those changes.

You can get more training on this when you attend our brand new live, virtual event Agent Mastery Live Virtual 2020. We’ll dive deep into the mindset, systems, and strategies to help you survive and thrive in any situation. Get your early bird ticket here

Get more exclusive real estate agent trainings here 👉

Learn How To Get More Real Estate Leads, More Listings, More Sales, with Less Resistance

Kevin Ward is a real estate coach, speaker, and trainer at and #1 Bestselling author of "The Book of YES: The Ultimate Real Estate Agent Conversation Guide."

If this episode helps you, please LIKE, COMMENT & SHARE. Hit SUBSCRIBE to get notices of new episode! Go to For more killer training videos for REALTORS who want more Yes's and more Successes in their business and in their life! From Kevin Ward, international real estate trainer, speaker, and coach.

Category:general -- posted at: 11:22am PST

How do you get your seller in a multiple offer situation so that you can sell their house for the most money?

Here are 5 Steps to Creating FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) With Buyers:

  1. Good Price. A good price gets buyers excited because they know that it’s going to go fast.
  2. Limit Showings. Limit showings to 20-30 minute slots on certain days and times. (e.g. Fri 4-6pm, sat 11-2pm, sunday 1-4pm). Set up a showing calendar on the MLS or use an appointment-setting app like Calendly with a link that the buyers or agent can click to book.
  3. Clear Instructions. In the showing instructions on the MLS, be clear on how to schedule a showing appointment. Give them the link to schedule and then confirm with a text message or a phone call.
  4. Easy Appointments. Have a sign rider onto your FOR SALE sign on the house that says, “To schedule an appointment, go to <property website>. On the website, have the scheduling link and other scheduling instructions.
  5. Massive Communication. Let the buyers or buyer’s agent know what to expect at the showing appointment.

This is all part of what I train called the10-day selling system that allows you to literally sell a listing for 10 days or less. I’ll be training on this in detail at Agent Mastery Live Virtual 2020. Click here to learn more about

Get more exclusive real estate agent trainings here 👉

Learn How To Get More Real Estate Leads, More Listings, More Sales, with Less Resistance

Kevin Ward is a real estate coach, speaker, and trainer at and #1 Bestselling author of "The Book of YES: The Ultimate Real Estate Agent Conversation Guide."

If this episode helps you, please LIKE, COMMENT & SHARE. Hit SUBSCRIBE to get notices of new episode! Go to For more killer training videos for REALTORS who want more Yes's and more Successes in their business and in their life! From Kevin Ward, international real estate trainer, speaker, and coach.

Direct download: YesTalk-210_-_No_More_Open_Houses.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:07am PST