Kevin Ward's YES Talk | Real Estate Coaching and Success Training for Agents
YESTalk-21 - How to Become More Disciplined

It’s so easy for Real Estate Agents to become undisciplined.  Learning how to develop and maintain strong self-discipline is indispensable to becoming a high achiever.

Discipline is like a muscle.  The more you exercise it, the stronger it becomes.  So don’t start by trying to become the ultimate master of discipline in one day.  Begin with small steps and build on your successes.

Here is a simple 4-step process to build your personal discipline fast:

  1. Do one good thing you don’t feel like doing.
  2. Celebrate it.
  3. Journal it.
  4. Repeat 5X.

If this episode helps you, please LIKE, COMMENT & SHARE. Hit SUBSCRIBE to get notices of new episode! Go to For more killer training videos for REALTORS who want more Yes's and more Successes in their business and in their life! From Kevin Ward, international real estate trainer, speaker, and coach.

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Category:general -- posted at: 1:37pm PST

 YESTalk-20 - How to Break Bad Habits Forever

Have any bad habits you would like to break?  It’s not just the habit itself that is a problem.  It’s that bad habits make us hate ourselves.  They can make us feel guilty or defeated or powerless.  It’s time to take them out…but HOW? 

Here are the five steps that will finally allow you to break those bad habits forever?

1. COMMIT to defeat it.

It has to be a commitment, not just a wish or a “try.”

2. Declare it THE ENEMY.

A bad habit is not a weakness.  It is an enemy of your success, happiness, self-approval & self-respect. The problem is that it’s an enemy that’s been kicking your butt…because bad habits are tough.  How do you beat a tough enemy?

3. TRAIN yourself to beat the bad habit.

  1. Holly Holm recently defeated Rhonda Rousey, the most dominant woman athlete in the world.  How? Because she didn’t underestimate what it would take to beat her.  And she trained and prepared like crazy. You have to be willing to train your mind by inputting powerful thoughts and ideas in your head through daily declarations and visualization.
  2. And train your actions by simply deciding NOT to give in to the habit.  Every time you say “No” you strengthen your will.

4. RALLY. Don’t let setbacks defeat you.

When you say “no” and then later give in.  You’re still stronger than you were before.  That frustration you feel at yourself is fuel for more action.

Failures is like taking a punch.  It hurts…but if you know it’s coming…you keep your defenses up.  And when the old, bad habit sneaks a punch in…OUCH.  If it knocks you down, you jump back up.

5. REPLACE the bad habit with a good habit.

Just like people, fill your life with habits that are friends instead of enemies.  And every time you beat a bad habit, you get stronger and your life gets better.

If this episode helps you, please LIKE, COMMENT & SHARE. Hit SUBSCRIBE to get notices of new episode! Go to For more killer training videos for REALTORS who want more Yes's and more Successes in their business and in their life! From Kevin Ward, international real estate trainer, speaker, and coach.

Direct download: YESTalk-20_-_How_to_Break_Bad_Habits_Forever__-_12_1_15_11.16_AM.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:04pm PST

YESTalk-19 - How to Get More Done Every Day

Would you like to get more done every day?  No matter how busy we get, most people feel the frustration of not getting as much done as they would like to get done in a day.  We can even found ourselves with so many things on our “to-do” list that we experience that paralyzing feeling of overwhelm.

Here are three key words that can help you get more accomplished in a day than ever before.

1. FOCUS. Make sure you have absolute clarity about what you need to be working on at any given time and then focus on that one thing.  Turn off or eliminate as many distractions as possible.  Stop trying to multi-task, which lowers the quality and productivity of your work.  Learn to focus on one task until it is completed.

2. FAST. There is an amazing power that comes with the efficiency of speed.  Approach each task with a sense of urgency which will intensify your focus and help you get it done more quickly.  The key is to get things done fast without rushing.

3. FINISH. Too many of us are guilty of starting things and never finishing.  There is tremendous momentum and a sense of accomplishment that comes from completing a task before moving on to the next one.  And every time you finish something in creates more power and momentum.

The best way to put all this together is with what I call the “Gotta Get Outta Here” Game.  Have you ever had tickets to a big game or concert, and you were trying to get everything wrapped up at the office before heading out for the big night?  In those moments we tend to be very effective at all three of these ideas.  We get super FOCUSED on getting the most important stuff done FAST so we can get it FINISHED and head out for the big event.  In those moments our productivity surges and no matter how busy it is we get more accomplished in less time because of that clarity and urgency that is driving us.  Simply bring that same level of intensity to your work every day and you will be amazed at how much you can accomplish.

If this episode helps you, please LIKE, COMMENT & SHARE. Hit SUBSCRIBE to get notices of new episode! Go to For more killer training videos for REALTORS who want more Yes's and more Successes in their business and in their life! From Kevin Ward, international real estate trainer, speaker, and coach.

Direct download: YESTalk-19_-_How_to_Get_More_Done_Everyday_-_11-11-15_5.41_PM.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:04am PST

YESTalk-18 - When Should You Leave a VoiceMail in Prospecting for Listings

Many real estate agents who are prospecting by phone for listings ask me if they should leave a message or a voicemail when the seller does not answer.  The answer depends on specifically who you are calling and when you are calling them.  And of course, the goal is a live conversation with a prospect, not a "sly-dial" voice mail that let's you avoid the possibility of rejection.

Having said that, the answer depends, first, on who you are calling and, second, on which time you’ve called them.  The best process is different for different groups of prospects.

There are four basic groups of prospects agents typically call:

  1. Personal Circle. With people you know (past clients and sphere of influence) you typically always leave a voice mail the first time you call them.  Keep it short and sweet.
  1. Expired listings. New expired and cancelled listings are a high probability contact, so if they don’t answer the first time you call you always should live a short, simple message asking them to call you if they still want to sell. There is urgency here because of the possibility of other agents calling them.  Many people use there home phone answering machines to screen their calls.  That’s why you should leave a brief message.
  1. For Sale by Owners. FSBO’s have put their number out there. That means they want to be called, and they have most likely provided a good number where you can reach them live.  Because of that, do not leave a message the first two times you call.  It’s always better to speak to them live, so if they typically are answering their phone, I want my first contact with them to be live, not voicemail.  After 3 calls where they do not answer, leave a voicemail.
  1. Random Calling. When you are making what is typically referred to a “cold-calls” you never take the time to leave a voicemail. With calls like this the only real value of the call is to have a live conversation.  So more dials and more live conversations is the key.

If this episode helps you, please LIKE, COMMENT & SHARE. Hit SUBSCRIBE to get notices of new episode! Go to For more killer training videos for REALTORS who want more Yes's and more Successes in their business and in their life! From Kevin Ward, international real estate trainer, speaker, and coach.

YESTalk-17 - How to Handle a Listing Appointment NO-SHOW

This is the worst.  You set a listing appointment.  Do all your homeworkCMA, pre-listing package, get ready, and drive all the way to their houseand then you get stood up.  Grrrrr.  There is nothing more frustrating, right?  Well, almost nothing.

The question is, what do you do about it to salvage the appointment AND to prevent being no-showed again? 

First, do not get frustrated.  That will only create negative energy between you and the Seller.  Stay calm.  Be kind.

Second, treat it as no problem and simply reschedule.

Third, let them know you are putting it in your calendar and make sure they are putting it in their schedule as well, so this issue does not happen again.  You can offer to send them a text message reminder or a calendar invite by email.

The bottom line is to be professional and kindly communicate your expectation that they treat you like a professional.  It is mutually respectful for you and for them.

Watch the video for more details and how to handle the repeat offender who stands you up more than once.

If this episode helps you, please LIKE, COMMENT & SHARE. Hit SUBSCRIBE to get notices of new episode! Go to For more killer training videos for REALTORS who want more Yes's and more Successes in their business and in their life! From Kevin Ward, international real estate trainer, speaker, and coach.


YESTalk-16 - Why You Should Make More Mistakes

One of the most powerful secrets to success is making mistakes.  Yet, from the time we started school we have mostly been taught that mistakes are the worst possible thing you can make.  Our grades were almost always determined by the number of mistakes we made, so we are programmed to avoid mistakes and avoiding anything that risks such failure.

    I’m not talking about making stupid mistakes caused by carelessness or indifference or unethical or illegal behavior.  The kind of mistakes you should make are the inevitable failures that come from trying something new or doing something out of your comfort zone that moves you toward something worthwhile.

    Here are 3 reasons why you should make more mistakes:

1. Making mistakes means you are BEING DECISIVE.
2. Making mistakes means you are TAKING ACTION.
3. Making mistakes means you are LEARNING FASTER.
When you are being decisive, taking action, and learning from your failures (and from your successes), you will inevitably more forward toward your goals and the big successes you want for your life.

If this episode helps you, please LIKE, COMMENT & SHARE. Hit SUBSCRIBE to get notices of new episode! Go to For more killer training videos for REALTORS who want more Yes's and more Successes in their business and in their life! From Kevin Ward, international real estate trainer, speaker, and coach.



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Category:general -- posted at: 1:24pm PST

Recently the National Association of Realtors published a report that was done by the Swanepoel Group at the request of NAR, to identify the greatest threats to the real estate industry.  It’s called the DANGER Report.  It reflects that there is a lot of room for improvement in the industry, but most importantly that there is lots of opportunity for real estate agents who are committed to becoming ethical, skilled professionals.

It turns out the greatest threat of all, based on their study are the large numbers of incompetent and unethical real estate agents!  Which basically means there are two issues that are killing us are Realtors: 

Too many amateurs. The ease of entry into real estate is a double-edged sword.  While it makes it easy to get started, it also allows people to become agents while still totally incompetent.  And once they are licensed may never become truly competent.

Too much BS.  There are always going to be a handful of dishonest people in any industry.  However, in real estate there are a number of unethical, “BS” strategies and practices some of which are even taught by trainers and companies.  Many of these are scripts that are either dishonest or “bait-n-switch” tactics that contribute to giving Realtors a bad name.

The implications of these threats and the huge opportunities they represent for agents who run their businesses like a PRO and learn to get YES without the BS.  For agents who are wiling to become masters of their craft and to learn to get “YES” without the BS, there is ample opportunity for any agent to achieve massive success.

If this episode helps you, please LIKE, COMMENT & SHARE. Hit SUBSCRIBE to get notices of new episode! Go to For more killer training videos for REALTORS who want more Yes's and more Successes in their business and in their life! From Kevin Ward, international real estate trainer, speaker, and coach.


This is one of the most common objections that real estate agents here when talking to For Sale by Owners.  “Bring me a buyer…and I’ll pay you a commission.”  The first key with objection-handling is to be able to respond in a straightforward, no-BS way that communicates confidence and that does repel them.  A cardinal rule of prospecting is to never make the seller wrong because that only causes resistance. 

So when a FSBO gives you this objection, the first thing is to affirm that finding a buyer is what you do.  Here is the script to respond to “Bring me a buyer…”:

“Bring you a buyer. Great. Because that is what I do for a living!  …So you are willing to pay a real estate agent that has a buyer, correct?  Excellent.”

Most For Sale By Owners are willing to pay at least some commission, and they're willing to pay to a buyer's agent.

One thing you should never do is pretend that you have a buyer. 

#1 Because it BS.  Unfortunately, a lot of agents have to taught to respond by pretending you may have a buyer.  If you had a buyer, this would not be an objection.
#2 Because it tricks the seller into thinking that their FSBO strategy will actually attract agents that have buyers.  Their philosophy of finding a buyer is, "All I got to do is put my house out there on the market for Sale By Owner, and agents will bring me buyers.”  You and I both know that agents who have buyers do not go looking for For Sale by Owners to find a house for their buyer.

Your response is simple and honest.  You can even let them know, “I’m not calling because I have a specific buyer for your house, but what I do help find the best buyer for homeowners that want to sell.”  Again, this is a no-BS conversation that keeps you from have to pull a Bait-n-Switch on them in order to lead to a conversation about listing the property.

And then you immediately continue your conversation following my FSBO script: “How much time will you take...before you might...decide to hire a strong your property sold...for you?”  To download a FREE copy of my entire For Sale by Owner Script, CLICK HERE.

If this episode helps you, please LIKE, COMMENT & SHARE. Hit SUBSCRIBE to get notices of new episode! Go to For more killer training videos for REALTORS who want more Yes's and more Successes in their business and in their life! From Kevin Ward, international real estate trainer, speaker, and coach.


Direct download: YESTalk-14-_FSBO_Objection-Bring_Me_a_Buyer_-_72115_3.20_PM.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:31pm PST

 YESTalk-13- Prospecting Success Tip- How to increase contacts per hour

One of the common questions I get from agents is how to talk to more people, so you can generate more leads, set more listing appointments, and take and sell more listings.  Here are seven steps to making more contacts when prospecting:

1. Think speed between conversations…efficiency.
2. Think quality on conversations…effectiveness.  Focus more on number of quality contacts per hour than on number of dials.
3. Have enough prospects (numbers/doors) to fill your prospecting time.
4. Stay on your scripts.
5. Create a simple note taking system and take notes while in the conversation, not after you hang up.
6. FOCUS on ONE THING.  Eliminate distractions or trying to multi-task (like checking email, texting, looking up property on MLS, etc)
7. BEAT FEAR.  (which leads to procrastination.)

If this episode helps you, please LIKE, COMMENT & SHARE. Hit SUBSCRIBE to get notices of new episode! Go to For more killer training videos for REALTORS who want more Yes's and more Successes in their business and in their life! From Kevin Ward, international real estate trainer, speaker, and coach.


YESTalk-12- NLP Communication Strategies - Embedded Commands

Do you want to know how to get more listing appointments?  More clients?  More people to say “yes” to you?  Embedded commands are an amazingly powerful and effective influence strategy when used correctly. 

An “embedded command is, just like it sounds, a command that is embedded inside of a question…or statement that subconsciously gives an order to the brain to think or do a certain thing.  . 

Embedded commands are a tool, like a knife.  A knifce can be used to do good or evil. NLP strategies can be used to manipulate for selfish or unethical reasons…which makes you a con-artist (i.e. evil).  Or they can be used to help someone make a good decision, which makes you a more effective leader and problem-solver for someone who can benefit from your help (i.e. good). 

1. Be inviting.  Not insisting. 
2. Be confident.  Not desperate. 

If this episode helps you, please LIKE, COMMENT & SHARE. Hit SUBSCRIBE to get notices of new episode! Go to For more killer training videos for REALTORS who want more Yes's and more Successes in their business and in their life! From Kevin Ward, international real estate trainer, speaker, and coach.


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Category:general -- posted at: 8:55am PST

YESTalk-11- How to Be a Better Communicator - The Power of a Pause

    A pause has something very powerful about it in it's communication effect. In fact, if you want to make using real estate script sound conversational, the fastest and best way to start sounding conversational is by using a pause.
A pause accomplishes at least 4 very important things:
    1.    It makes you sound more conversational. Makes a statement sound more thoughtful and natural.
    2.    Preparation. It allows your brain to process the conversation.  It is amazing the information your brain can process even in a half-second of reflection during a conversation.
    3.    Creates Anticipation.  It emphasizes what what you say after the pause.
    4.    Absorption. It allows them to absorb what you just said before the pause. Improves their "getting" what your saying.

If this episode helps you, please LIKE, COMMENT & SHARE. Hit SUBSCRIBE to get notices of new episode! Go to For more killer training videos for REALTORS who want more Yes's and more Successes in their business and in their life! From Kevin Ward, international real estate trainer, speaker, and coach.



Direct download: YESTalk-11-_How_to_Be_a_Better_Communicator_-_The_Power_of_a_Pause.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:57am PST

YESTalk-10- How to Get More Done in Less Time

You have to get your day back….  Fastest way to get your sanity back.  HOW?

1. Clarity.  
    Focus on the Cha-Chingers.   MMA’s
2. Intention.
3. Urgency.  Think….Speed
4. Insulation from distractions.

It’s not how many things you get done, but getting the right things done that make you feel powerful and make you productive and successful.
The things that move the needle in your business.

If this episode helps you, please LIKE, COMMENT & SHARE. Hit SUBSCRIBE to get notices of new episode! Go to For more killer training videos for REALTORS who want more Yes's and more Successes in their business and in their life! From Kevin Ward, international real estate trainer, speaker, and coach.

Direct download: YESTalk-10-_How_to_Get_More_Done_in_Less_Time.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:59am PST

YESTalk-9- The Right Kind of Aggressive Agent

Occasionally agents ask me if it’s good or bad to be an aggressive agent.  Some trainers teach you to be a aggressive…to be a bulldog.  Others say you should be more sensitive and avoid coming across as aggressive.  Which is it?  Well…the reality is, it’s BOTH.  Be the right kind of aggressive and at the right time.

There is a significant difference between being assertive and abrasive…between knowing how to be powerful and being downright pushy.  One is compelling.  The other is repelling.

Watch the entire video as Kevin explains these keys to bringing the right dose of aggressiveness and sensitivity:

1. Be straightforward.  (no BS)
2. Be confident…not arrogant.
3. Use Finesse….  Analogy of a bull in a china closet.  Push till you get resistance and then back off a little.  But don’t quit.
1. Learn when to be strong.
2. Improve your communication skills.  (Resistance triggers and influence triggers)
3. Learning to have multiple tools in your communications arsenal. Some agents have only one tool….a sledge hammer. Others the only tool they have is a play school plastic hammer (or a limp noodle).
4. Get on the seller's side.  Speak in terms of their interests, not your own.
5. Follow their motivation.  People love to be led toward something they want.  They don't like to be pushed to do something they're not sure they want to do.  Once you find their real motivation, learn to skillfully lead them to make good decisions that serve their best interest and your appropriate aggressiveness will pay off huge.

If this episode helps you, please LIKE, COMMENT & SHARE. Hit SUBSCRIBE to get notices of new episode! Go to For more killer training videos for REALTORS who want more Yes's and more Successes in their business and in their life! From Kevin Ward, international real estate trainer, speaker, and coach.

Direct download: YESTalk-9-_The_Right_Kind_of_Aggressive_Agent.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:32pm PST

YESTalk-8- Real Estate Scripts that Get Yes- The Power of NLP Frames

Have you ever heard someone one say (or thought to yourself), real estate scripts all sound pretty much the same?”  It’s true.  And it’s also true that most cars really look pretty much the same too!  Right?

It’s the differences that matter.  It’s the differences that make one new car worth $30,000 and another new car the exact same size worth $300,000.  (Almost sounds like the difference in some real agents’ incomes.  Both may work hard, but somehow one gets dramatically different results.


Obviously the primary goal of using scripts is to get, “Yes.”  It’s to inspire (or convince) a prospect to say “yes”…to set an appointment with you, or to list their house with you, or to sign a contract to buy or sell a piece of real estate.  Scrips are simply strategic conversation maps designed to lead to the “yes.”

So…if you want to become more effective at getting appointments, and listings and sales, become better at know what to say and how to say it to inspire more “yes’s.”  That’s where the power of verbal frames can help…if you understand how to use them.  Frames is a term often used in NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Program), that basically refers to how words and language “frames” a thought, feeling, or any communication.

In the video blog, I explain in detail the right way and the wrong way to use frames and give more examples.  Here is a basic overview:

WRONG: Using negative frames.

Never create a negative frame in your conversation.  A negative frame is basically assuming or speaking an outcome that you don’t want.  It is casting your question or statement as if you are expecting or preparing for a negative response (in other words, a response that you don’t want).

Here are some examples of some common negative frames in real estate conversations or scripts:

“You’re probably not looking to move right now….but when do you think…”

“I’m sure you’re already getting swarmed by agents calling you…so I just wanted…”

I know you’re sick and tired of hearing from agents…so I’ll make this brief…”

“Would you be terribly offended…if I asked for your phone number?”

“I know you’re not going to like hearing this…but…”

“Sorry to bug you….”

Here is the universal law that is at work here:  You tend to get what you expect.  And it’s true in business and in life and in relationships and in everything…you tend to get what you expect.  So why would you speak as if you are expecting an undesired outcome?


1. Repeat and affirm their statement.

Now, If they say a negative statement first…then it’s perfectly appropriate to acknowledge their statement by repeating and affirming their thoughts or feelings.  When you reflect back their statement and acknowledge it, you are bringing yourself in alignment with them.  In other words, you are getting on their side!  And that is very powerful.  They created the negative frame, you you are simply connecting with them through their statement.

2. Reframe to a desired outcome.

Now that you’ve connected with them, you can now begin to influence or lead them by reframing the conversation to a desired outcome.  In other words by bringing up an outcome that they do want and that you can help them achieve.

If this episode helps you, please LIKE, COMMENT & SHARE. Hit SUBSCRIBE to get notices of new episode! Go to For more killer training videos for REALTORS who want more Yes's and more Successes in their business and in their life! From Kevin Ward, international real estate trainer, speaker, and coach.


Direct download: YESTalk-8-_Real_Estate_Scripts_that_Get_Yes-_The_Power_of_NLP_Frames.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:51pm PST

YESTalk - 7- Expired Objections  Where Were You When My House Was On The Market

Objections stump us for a couple of reasons:
Because we’re not prepared. 
Because we treat the sellers objection as legitimate…  “Oh no!  He’s right.  I wasn’t there…so I’m a loser.”  NO! 

REALITY: You weren’t there because you didn’t have a buyer for his house.  That’s the truth…but If you just say the naked truth…you’re out.

That’s where a skilled, no-BS approach comes in.

What NOT to say:

“Because you didn’t hire me to bring a buyer?”
“Your agent didn’t even tell me about your house.”  (BS)

“Where were you when my house was on the market?”

That’s a great question…and I hear where you’re coming from… 

The short answer is because your house wasn't a match for any of my buyers I was working with at the time….  However…can I let you know something else?  (Yes.) 

The reason I didn’t have a buyer match for your home is because…unfortunately…my focus wasn’t specifically on your property.  And I say unfortunately…because…it sounds like you are really interested in getting your property sold, correct?

If you knew you could get the property sold for top dollar in the next 30 days or so, would that be a win for you?  (Yes.)

And if I could help you make that happen, that would be OK with you

Perfect, when would be a good time for us to get together…

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YESTalk-6- The Best Doorknocking Approach for Realtors

The most effective door knocking strategy is talking to "turbo leads"...i.e. For Sale By Owners, expired listings, Notice of defaults, etc, because they have already exhibited a need or a desire to sell their property.

The second best approach in terms of getting results is inviting neighbors to a "Neighbors-Only Pre-Open House Preview." People love being invited to something, so this approach comes across as an invitation, not a solicitation. You are there, not on your own behalf, but on behalf of their neighbors, who are selling their property. Their resistance to someone knocking on their door is much lower when they don't feel like you are simply there for a self-serving motive. Watch this video for the Open House Invite script:

The third approach is the Hot Market Just Sold approach. Watch this video the Hot Market Script:

The traditional Just Sold approach can easily come across as bragging which is totally a put-off. The "Hot Market" approach adds value to the home owner because it is giving them information of value about the real estate market and how it affects the value of their home. And all of these approaches still give you the perfect opportunity to ask if they are planning to sell any time in the near future. However, you are much more likely to get a favorable answer when their resistance is low, than when it is high.

And then, always think in terms of their interest...not yours. If they are immediate business...HURRAY!!! If not, then consider them future business by getting their information and staying in touch.

Remember....Two goals for door knocking:

#1 To find people who want to buy or sell right now and set appointment with them.
#2 To connect with people and get their contact information so you can build a relationship and position yourself as their "Go-to Agent" when they or someone they know needs to sell or buy real estate. When you do that enough, you will eventually have a personal circle large enough that you can get all the business you want from people you know, so you can reduce or eliminate door knocking as a method of getting business. It's always easier to get business from people you know, than people you don't.

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YESTalk-5- The Accountability Myth

Accountability is one of THE hot-button conversations of real estate agents. In fact, it is one of the top things that Realtors look for in getting a real estate Coach. "I need more accountability."

However, what many people suffer from is an accountability addiction that literally becomes a debilitating crutch, instead of an empowering support.

In this video on "The Accountability Myth" Kevin explains where the true power of accountability lives, which is in our own internal drive and sense of personal responsibility.

If you like this episode, please LIKE, COMMENT & SHARE.  Go to For more killer training videos for REALTORS who want more Yes's and more Successes in their business and in their life! From Kevin Ward, international real estate trainer, speaker, and coach.

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Category:general -- posted at: 12:24pm PST

YESTalk-4- How to Prospect for Sellers with a Free CMA

In this video, Kevin explains how to maximize the opportunity of doing a free CMA for a potential client that insures you either set a listing appointment or make a great connection with a future client. By asking the right questions to determine motivation, you position yourself as their go-to agent without wasting unnecessary time. Kevin Ward is a real estate trainer and speaker. LIKE his FB Page at to get notices of new videos and training.

For more killer training videos, go to

Direct download: YESTalk-4-20How20to20Prospect20for20Sellers20with20a20Free20CMA.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:05pm PST

YESTalk-3- The Power of Visualization_ Change Your Story, Change Your Life

Kevin Ward is an internationally recognized real estate coach who trains agents at every level how to build successful and profitable real estate careers fast. Mindset is one of the key elements of success for every Realtor, seasoned or new. In this video Kevin describes a powerful strategy for creating better outcomes in business and in life.

If this episode helps you, please LIKE, COMMENT & SHARE.  Go to For more killer training videos for REALTORS who want more Yes's and more Successes in their business and in their life! 

YESTalk-2- My Best Listing Presentation Tip Ever

In this video Kevin Ward shares the biggest mistake agents make in a listing presentation that turns the seller off fast...and the seller doesn't even know why they don't want to list with you.
When your listing presentation is boring, the sellers mentally check out in a matter of seconds.

If you want more listings....STOP Being Boring!!!

Kevin's 3 Tips to Keep Sellers from falling asleep on you and to keep them Engaged and are:
1. Have more energy and enthusiasm.
2. Ask questions to keep them engaged in the conversation.
3. Get to the point. This communicates tremendous confidence and competence when you know how to get to the bottom line quickly while communicating to the seller that you care and that you know what you're doing.

Go to for more killer training videos for REALTORS.

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Category:general -- posted at: 6:36pm PST

In this video, Kevin gives 3 powerful steps to "getting in the mood." The 3rd step is the most far.

What do you do when you don't feel prospecting? Successful people learn to create the mood they need that will get them the results they want. Massive action creates the mood.

Remember this: It is easier to act yourself into a better way of feeling than to feel yourself into a better way of acting.

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